document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {"remoteState", { players: [], interval: null, currentPlayer: null, lastPlayerSwitch: null, connected: false, isMyTurn: false, skipMe: false, _client: null, _currentPlayerTopic: null, _gameStateTopic: null, _lastGameState: null, _key: null, _iv: null, init() { Alpine.effect(() => { if ( this.connected && Object.keys(this.players).indexOf("localState").id) === -1 ) { this._updatePlayers({ ["localState").id]:"localState").name, ...this.players, }); } }); Alpine.effect(() => { const myTurn = this.currentPlayer =="localState").id if (myTurn && !this.skipMe) { this.isMyTurn = true;"audio").playDing(); } else if(myTurn && this.skipMe) { this.giveTurnToNextPlayer() } else { this.isMyTurn = false; } }); Alpine.effect(() => { if ("localState").nextPlayer == null ||"localState").nextPlayer =="localState").id || !Object.keys(this.players).includes("localState").nextPlayer ) ) { const players = Object.keys(this.players).sort(); const nextPlayer = players[ (players.indexOf("localState").id) + 1) % players.length ];"localState").nextPlayer = nextPlayer; } }); Alpine.effect(() => { if (this.connected) { this.updateInterval(this.interval); } }); }, connect() { const that = this; const url = "wss://"; const keySize = 512; const ivSize = 128; // derive key from room name this._key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2("localState").room, url, { keySize: keySize / 32, iterations: 1000, }); // random iv this._iv = CryptoJS.PBKDF2("localState").room, url, { keySize: ivSize / 32, iterations: 5000, }); const topicPrefix = `im.dorian.whose-turn-is-it.${btoa("localState").room )}`; this._gameStateTopic = CryptoJS.SHA256( this._encrypt(`${topicPrefix}.gameState`) ).toString(); this._currentPlayerTopic = CryptoJS.SHA256( this._encrypt(`${topicPrefix}.currentPlayer`) ).toString(); console.log("Connecting to MQTT broker..."); console.log("Game state topic:", this._gameStateTopic); console.log("Current player topic:", this._currentPlayerTopic); const options = { // Clean session clean: true, connectTimeout: 4000, // Authentication clientId:"localState").id, }; this._client = mqtt.connect(url, options); this._client.on("connect", () => { setTimeout(() => { if (!that.connected) { // reset game if not connected after 5 seconds that.clear(); } }, 1000 * 4); that._client.subscribe(that._gameStateTopic); that._client.subscribe(that._currentPlayerTopic); }); this._client.on("message", (topic, message) => { // message is Buffer message = that._decrypt(message.toString()); const data = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(message)); if (topic === that._gameStateTopic) { if (data.version !== 1 || !data.players || !data.interval) { console.log("Invalid game state, resetting..."); that.clear(); return; } if (!that.connected) { that.connected = true; } that._lastGameState = data; that.players = data.players; that.interval = data.interval; } else if (topic === that._currentPlayerTopic) { if (! || !data.since) { console.log("Invalid current player, resetting..."); that.clear(); return; } if (data.since < that.lastPlayerSwitch) { return; } that.currentPlayer =; that.lastPlayerSwitch = data.since; } }); }, giveTurnToNextPlayer() { this._updateCurrentPlayer("localState").nextPlayer); }, disconnect() { this._client.end(true); this._client = null; this.players = []; this.currentPlayer = null; this.lastPlayerSwitch = null; this.connected = false; this.isMyTurn = false; this._gameStateTopic = null; this._currentPlayerTopic = null;"localState").nextPlayer = null; }, clear() { this._updatePlayers({ ["localState").id]:"localState").name, }); this._updateCurrentPlayer("localState").id); }, updateInterval(interval) { this._updateGameState(this.players, interval); }, _updatePlayers(players) { if (!this.interval) { this.interval = 30; } this._updateGameState(players, this.interval); }, _updateGameState(players, interval) { const newGameState = { version: 1, players: players, interval: interval, }; if ( this._lastGameState && JSON.stringify(this._lastGameState) === JSON.stringify(newGameState) ) return; console.log("Updating game state:", newGameState); this._client.publish( this._gameStateTopic, this._encrypt(JSON.stringify(newGameState)), { qos: 1, retain: true, } ); }, _updateCurrentPlayer(id) { this._client.publish( this._currentPlayerTopic, this._encrypt( JSON.stringify({ id: id, since: new Date().getTime(), }) ), { qos: 1, retain: true } ); }, _encrypt(data) { return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(data), this._key, { iv: this._iv, }).toString(); }, _decrypt(data) { const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(data, this._key, { iv: this._iv }); return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); }, }); });