#ifndef __INC_CLOCKLESS_BLOCK_ESP8266_H #define __INC_CLOCKLESS_BLOCK_ESP8266_H #define FASTLED_HAS_BLOCKLESS 1 #define FIX_BITS(bits) (((bits & 0x0fL) << 12) | (bits & 0x30)) #define MIN(X,Y) (((X)<(Y)) ? (X):(Y)) #define USED_LANES (MIN(LANES, 6)) #define PORT_MASK (((1 << USED_LANES)-1) & 0x0000FFFFL) #define PIN_MASK FIX_BITS(PORT_MASK) FASTLED_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #ifdef FASTLED_DEBUG_COUNT_FRAME_RETRIES extern uint32_t _frame_cnt; extern uint32_t _retry_cnt; #endif template class InlineBlockClocklessController : public CPixelLEDController { typedef typename FastPin::port_ptr_t data_ptr_t; typedef typename FastPin::port_t data_t; CMinWait mWait; public: virtual int size() { return CLEDController::size() * LANES; } virtual void showPixels(PixelController & pixels) { // mWait.wait(); /*uint32_t clocks = */ int cnt=FASTLED_INTERRUPT_RETRY_COUNT; while(!showRGBInternal(pixels) && cnt--) { os_intr_unlock(); #ifdef FASTLED_DEBUG_COUNT_FRAME_RETRIES _retry_cnt++; #endif delayMicroseconds(WAIT_TIME * 10); os_intr_lock(); } // #if FASTLED_ALLOW_INTTERUPTS == 0 // Adjust the timer // long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(clocks); // MS_COUNTER += (1 + (microsTaken / 1000)); // #endif // mWait.mark(); } template static void initPin() { _ESPPIN::setOutput(); } virtual void init() { void (* funcs[])() ={initPin<12>, initPin<13>, initPin<14>, initPin<15>, initPin<4>, initPin<5>}; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < USED_LANES; ++i) { funcs[i](); } } virtual uint16_t getMaxRefreshRate() const { return 400; } typedef union { uint8_t bytes[8]; uint16_t shorts[4]; uint32_t raw[2]; } Lines; #define ESP_ADJUST 0 // (2*(F_CPU/24000000)) #define ESP_ADJUST2 0 template __attribute__ ((always_inline)) inline static void writeBits(register uint32_t & last_mark, register Lines & b, PixelController &pixels) { // , register uint32_t & b2) { Lines b2 = b; transpose8x1_noinline(b.bytes,b2.bytes); register uint8_t d = pixels.template getd(pixels); register uint8_t scale = pixels.template getscale(pixels); for(register uint32_t i = 0; i < USED_LANES; i++) { while((__clock_cycles() - last_mark) < (T1+T2+T3)); last_mark = __clock_cycles(); *FastPin::sport() = PIN_MASK; uint32_t nword = (uint32_t)(~b2.bytes[7-i]); while((__clock_cycles() - last_mark) < (T1-6)); *FastPin::cport() = FIX_BITS(nword); while((__clock_cycles() - last_mark) < (T1+T2)); *FastPin::cport() = PIN_MASK; b.bytes[i] = pixels.template loadAndScale(pixels,i,d,scale); } for(register uint32_t i = USED_LANES; i < 8; i++) { while((__clock_cycles() - last_mark) < (T1+T2+T3)); last_mark = __clock_cycles(); *FastPin::sport() = PIN_MASK; uint32_t nword = (uint32_t)(~b2.bytes[7-i]); while((__clock_cycles() - last_mark) < (T1-6)); *FastPin::cport() = FIX_BITS(nword); while((__clock_cycles() - last_mark) < (T1+T2)); *FastPin::cport() = PIN_MASK; } } // This method is made static to force making register Y available to use for data on AVR - if the method is non-static, then // gcc will use register Y for the this pointer. static uint32_t ICACHE_RAM_ATTR showRGBInternal(PixelController &allpixels) { // Setup the pixel controller and load/scale the first byte Lines b0; for(int i = 0; i < USED_LANES; i++) { b0.bytes[i] = allpixels.loadAndScale0(i); } allpixels.preStepFirstByteDithering(); os_intr_lock(); uint32_t _start = __clock_cycles(); uint32_t last_mark = _start; while(allpixels.has(1)) { // Write first byte, read next byte writeBits<8+XTRA0,1>(last_mark, b0, allpixels); // Write second byte, read 3rd byte writeBits<8+XTRA0,2>(last_mark, b0, allpixels); allpixels.advanceData(); // Write third byte writeBits<8+XTRA0,0>(last_mark, b0, allpixels); #if (FASTLED_ALLOW_INTERRUPTS == 1) os_intr_unlock(); #endif allpixels.stepDithering(); #if (FASTLED_ALLOW_INTERRUPTS == 1) os_intr_lock(); // if interrupts took longer than 45µs, punt on the current frame if((int32_t)(__clock_cycles()-last_mark) > 0) { if((int32_t)(__clock_cycles()-last_mark) > (T1+T2+T3+((WAIT_TIME-INTERRUPT_THRESHOLD)*CLKS_PER_US))) { os_intr_unlock(); return 0; } } #endif }; os_intr_unlock(); #ifdef FASTLED_DEBUG_COUNT_FRAME_RETRIES _frame_cnt++; #endif return __clock_cycles() - _start; } }; FASTLED_NAMESPACE_END #endif