import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import de.itsblue.LedDisplayController 1.0 import de.itsblue.bluetoothleuart 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 ApplicationWindow { width: 540 height: 960 visible: true title: qsTr("Itsblue smart display") Page { id: app state: backend.state anchors.fill: parent Material.accent: "#0094ff" Material.theme: Material.Light header: ToolBar { id: headerToolBar height: 50 implicitWidth: parent.width Material.background: "white" RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent ToolButton { id: backToolButton enabled: false Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredWidth: height opacity: mainStack.currentItem.backButtonVisible ? 1:0 font.pixelSize: height * 0.6 Material.foreground: "black" text: "\uf104" contentItem: Item {} Text { anchors.centerIn: parent font.pixelSize: parent.font.pixelSize text: parent.text } onClicked: mainStack.currentItem.backButtonClicked() } ToolButton { visible: mainStack.currentItem.actionButtonVisible opacity: 0 enabled: false } Label { Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Layout.Center verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter color: "black" text: mainStack.currentItem.title } ToolButton { id: infoToolButton Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredWidth: height font.pixelSize: height * 0.4 Material.foreground: "black" flat: true text: "\uf05a" onClicked: } ToolButton { id: actionToolButton Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredWidth: height visible: mainStack.currentItem.actionButtonVisible font.pixelSize: height * 0.4 Material.foreground: "black" flat: true text: "\uf013" onClicked: mainStack.currentItem.actionButtonClicked() } } } LedDisplayBackend { id: backend } FontLoader { id: fontAwesome source: "qrc:/fa5solid.woff" Component.onCompleted: { console.log("Font name: " + } } FontLoader { id: fontAwesomeBrands source: "qrc:/fa5brands.woff" Component.onCompleted: { console.log("Font name: " + } } StackView { id: mainStack anchors.fill: parent property Component currentComponent onCurrentComponentChanged: { if(currentComponent != currentItem) mainStack.replace(currentComponent) } onCurrentItemChanged: { currentItem.opened() } initialItem: connectedPageComp replaceEnter: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 } } replaceExit: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 } } Component { id: connectPageComp ConnectPage { state: app.state } } Component { id: connectedPageComp ConnectedPage { opacity: 0 state: app.state } } } states: [ State { name: LedDisplayBackend.Idle PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.BluetoothOff PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.LocationPermissionDenied PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.Scanning PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.ReadyToConnect PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.Connecting PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.AuthenticationRequired PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.Authenticating PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.Initing PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectPageComp } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.Connected PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectedPageComp } PropertyChanges { target: headerToolBar state: "open" } PropertyChanges { target: backToolButton enabled: true } }, State { name: LedDisplayBackend.Loading PropertyChanges { target: mainStack currentComponent: connectedPageComp } PropertyChanges { target: headerToolBar state: "open" } PropertyChanges { target: backToolButton enabled: true } } ] DisclaimerDialog { id: infoDisclaimerDialog title: "LedDisplayController v" + APP_VERSION + "
By Itsblue Development, " + qsTr("privacy policy") + "" content: qsTr("This app was built using the Qt Framework licensed under the GNU lgplV3 license.

This app is open source and licensed under the GNU agplV3 license, the source code can be found here.") } } }