Dorian Zedler fb7063de2c
- Many styling improvements and additions
- Added some real commands
-> App should be fully functional now, as soon as the esp is finished
2020-10-13 01:58:14 +02:00

193 lines
5.3 KiB

import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.9
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import de.itsblue.omobidisplayapp 1.0
Dialog {
id: control
property bool editing
property var editingModel
parent: Overlay.overlay
x: (parent.width - width) / 2
y: (parent.height - height) / 2
width: parent.width * 0.9
height: Math.min(parent.height * 0.9, control.implicitHeight)
modal: true
title: editing ? "Edit item" : "New item"
onAccepted: {
if(editing) {
editingModel.active = activeSwitch.checked
editingModel.text = textTextField.value
editingModel.runtime = runtimeSpinBox.value
editingModel.color = colorComboBox.currentText
editingModel.alignment = alignmentComboBox.currentText
editingModel.scroll = scrollSwitch.checked
editingModel.scrollSpeed = scrollSpeedSpinBox.value
editingModel.scrollCount = scrollCountSpinBox.value
else {
contentItem: Flickable {
implicitHeight: dataFieldsGridLayout.height
contentHeight: dataFieldsGridLayout.height
clip: true
boundsBehavior: Flickable.OvershootBounds
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
interactive: false
ColumnLayout {
id: dataFieldsGridLayout
property double fontSizeMultiplier: 0.14
property double labelWidthMultiplier: 0.4
width: control.width * 0.9
SwitchDelegate {
id: activeSwitch
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Active")
TextInputDelegate {
id: textTextField
Layout.fillWidth: true
required: true
placeholderText: qsTr("Enter some text to be displayed")
text: qsTr("Text")
SpinBoxDelegate {
id: runtimeSpinBox
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Runtime (in s)")
ComboBoxDelegate {
id: colorComboBox
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: ["white", "blue", "red", "green"]
text: qsTr("Color")
ComboBoxDelegate {
id: alignmentComboBox
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: ["left", "center", "right"]
text: qsTr("Alignment")
SwitchDelegate {
id: scrollSwitch
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Scroll")
SpinBoxDelegate {
id: scrollSpeedSpinBox
Layout.fillWidth: true
from: 0
to: 10
text: qsTr("Scroll speed")
SpinBoxDelegate {
id: scrollCountSpinBox
Layout.fillWidth: true
from: 0
text: qsTr("Scroll count:")
footer: DialogButtonBox {
// alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
buttonLayout: DialogButtonBox.GnomeLayout
Material.background: "transparent"
Button {
flat: true
enabled: textTextField.value !== ""
text: "save"
DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
Button {
flat: true
text: "cancel"
DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole
Button {
visible: popup.editing
Material.foreground: Material.Red
flat: true
text: "delete"
DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.DestructiveRole
function edit(model) {
editingModel = model
editing = true
activeSwitch.checked = editingModel.active
textTextField.value = editingModel.text
runtimeSpinBox.value = editingModel.runtime
colorComboBox.currentIndex = colorComboBox.model.indexOf(editingModel.color)
alignmentComboBox.currentIndex = alignmentComboBox.model.indexOf(editingModel.alignment)
scrollSwitch.checked = editingModel.scroll
scrollSpeedSpinBox.value = editingModel.scrollSpeed
scrollCountSpinBox.value = editingModel.scrollCount
function add(model) {
editingModel = model
editing = false
function reset() {
activeSwitch.checked = true
textTextField.value = ""
runtimeSpinBox.value = 0
colorComboBox.currentIndex = 0
alignmentComboBox.currentIndex = 0
scrollSwitch.checked = false
scrollSpeedSpinBox.value = 5
scrollCountSpinBox.value = 0