01-hero: modularLayout: hero classes: 'text-light overlay-dark-gradient' positionY: 80 image: "images/led-display/front-on.jpg" imageParallax: true content: | # The LED-Display The Itsblue LED-Display provides an easy way to show off messages. 02-display: modularLayout: text imageAlign: right image: images/led-display/close-up.jpg content: | ## Powered by RGB The display consists of 384 individually adressable RGB LEDs. together, they form a powerful matrix that can be used to display anything you can imagine. 04-bus: modularLayout: text align: "left" image: images/led-display/omobi-bus.jpg content: | ## Used every day Our displays are in active use by Omobi busses in southern Bavaria.
More about omobi 05-app: modularLayout: text align: "right" image: images/apps/leddisplaycontroller/banner.png content: | ## Easy to configure Intuitive configuration a feature of itsblue products. The LED display can be easily configured through the led display controller app. The password protection feature also makes sure, that no unauthorized access can occur.
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