last_checked: 1587560496 data: feed: - id: 25 date: '2020-02-18 11:27' message: '🕵️‍♂️ Would you attend an Official Grav Conference? We need your help!' link: '' type: note location: - feed - id: 24 date: '2019-10-03 11:27' message: '🙏 Thanks to our amazing community, Grav was voted Best Flat File CMS in the 2019 CMS Critics'' Awards!' link: '' type: info location: - feed - id: 23 date: '2018-11-15 15:50' message: 'Grav community chat has moved from Slack to Discord' link: '' type: info location: - feed - id: 21 date: '2018-10-01 17:09' message: '🕺 Grav 1.6.0-beta.1 & Admin 1.9.0-beta.1 available for testing' link: '' type: info location: - feed - id: 20 date: '2018-10-01 17:05' message: '🚨 Grav 1.5.2 & Admin 1.8.10 released' link: '' type: info location: - feed - id: 18 date: '2018-08-17 11:40' message: '🔥 Grav 1.5.0 final released, please update!' link: '' type: info location: - feed - id: 12 date: '2017-02-17 15:15' message: 'Support Grav for the price of a a month!' link: '' type: note location: - feed - id: 4 date: '2016-08-05 02:23' message: 'Join the Grav mailing list to stay in the loop!' link: '' type: info location: - feed - id: 3 date: '2016-08-05 02:23' message: 'Please follow us on Twitter' link: '' type: note location: - feed - id: 2 date: '2016-08-05 02:23' message: 'Don''t forget to star Grav on GitHub!' link: '' type: info location: - feed none: - id: 15 date: '2017-11-16 12:15' message: 'We won! Grav voted "Best Flat File CMS" in the 2017 CMS Critic Awards!' link: '' type: note location: - none