01-hero: modularLayout: hero classes: 'text-light overlay-dark' positionY: 80 image: "images/home/Hero.jpg" imageParallax: true content: "# Welcome \n ## Itsblue Development" 02-highlights: modularLayout: features classes: offset-box smallColumns: false features: - icon: 'fas fa-code' header: Coding - icon: 'fas fa-cubes' header: '3D printing' - icon: 'fas fa-microchip' header: Microcontrollers - icon: 'fas fa-bahai' header: 'Laser cutting' - icon: 'far fa-file' header: Foiling - icon: 'fas fa-server' header: 'Server management' content: | # What's our field of activity? ## **everything around electronics** 03-headlineCurrentProjects: modularLayout: text imageAlign: left content: "# Current projects" 04-scstw: modularLayout: text image: images/ScStwFavicon.png align: right content: | ## Speed Climbing Stopwatch Professional time measuring often is a hassle. The Speed Climbing Stopwatch (aka ScStw) aims to change that. It is a modern speed climbing timing system that just works.
Find out more 05-apps: modularLayout: text image: images/BlueRockFavicon.png align: left content: | ## Our apps We have developed some apps that might come in handy if you are interested in climbing.
Find out more 06-links: modularLayout: features small: true features: - icon: 'fab fa-gitlab' header: 'Our GitLab' text: 'We use GitLab for most of our projects, you can explore them here.' url: 'https://git.itsblue.de/explore' - icon: 'fab fa-google-play' header: 'Google Play' text: 'This is our developer account on Google Play where you can find all of our apps for android.' url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Itsblue+Development' - icon: 'fab fa-app-store-ios' header: 'App Store' text: 'This is our developer account on the App Store where you can find all of our apps for IOS.' url: 'https://apps.apple.com/de/developer/jens-noack/id1495583844' - icon: 'fas fa-pencil-ruler' header: 'MakerLab Murnau' text: 'This is where our hardware development and production takes place.' url: 'https://makerlab-murnau.de/' content: | # Links ## **Some things you might find interesting...**