import QtQuick.tooling 1.2 // This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library. // It is used for QML tooling purposes only. // // This file was auto-generated by: // 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtNfc 5.12' Module { dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.12"] Component { name: "QDeclarativeNdefFilter" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QtNfc/NdefFilter 5.0", "QtNfc/NdefFilter 5.2"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0] Property { name: "type"; type: "string" } Property { name: "typeNameFormat"; type: "QQmlNdefRecord::TypeNameFormat" } Property { name: "minimum"; type: "int" } Property { name: "maximum"; type: "int" } } Component { name: "QDeclarativeNdefMimeRecord" prototype: "QQmlNdefRecord" exports: ["QtNfc/NdefMimeRecord 5.0", "QtNfc/NdefMimeRecord 5.2"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0] Property { name: "uri"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QDeclarativeNdefTextRecord" prototype: "QQmlNdefRecord" exports: ["QtNfc/NdefTextRecord 5.0", "QtNfc/NdefTextRecord 5.2"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0] Enum { name: "LocaleMatch" values: { "LocaleMatchedNone": 0, "LocaleMatchedEnglish": 1, "LocaleMatchedLanguage": 2, "LocaleMatchedLanguageAndCountry": 3 } } Property { name: "text"; type: "string" } Property { name: "locale"; type: "string" } Property { name: "localeMatch"; type: "LocaleMatch"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QDeclarativeNdefUriRecord" prototype: "QQmlNdefRecord" exports: ["QtNfc/NdefUriRecord 5.0", "QtNfc/NdefUriRecord 5.2"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0] Property { name: "uri"; type: "string" } } Component { name: "QDeclarativeNearField" prototype: "QObject" exports: [ "QtNfc/NearField 5.0", "QtNfc/NearField 5.2", "QtNfc/NearField 5.4", "QtNfc/NearField 5.5" ] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0, 0, 1] Property { name: "messageRecords"; type: "QQmlNdefRecord"; isList: true; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "filter"; type: "QDeclarativeNdefFilter"; isList: true; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "orderMatch"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "polling"; revision: 1; type: "bool" } Signal { name: "pollingChanged"; revision: 1 } Signal { name: "tagFound"; revision: 1 } Signal { name: "tagRemoved"; revision: 1 } } Component { name: "QQmlNdefRecord" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QtNfc/NdefRecord 5.0", "QtNfc/NdefRecord 5.2"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0] Enum { name: "TypeNameFormat" values: { "Empty": 0, "NfcRtd": 1, "Mime": 2, "Uri": 3, "ExternalRtd": 4, "Unknown": 5 } } Property { name: "type"; type: "string" } Property { name: "typeNameFormat"; type: "TypeNameFormat" } Property { name: "record"; type: "QNdefRecord" } } }