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Raw Normal View History

Class contributed by Brian Lough, and expanded by Faptastic.
Originally designed to allow CHAINING of panels together to create
a 'bigger' display of panels. i.e. Chaining 4 panels into a 2x2
However, the function of this class has expanded now to also manage
the output for 1/16 scan panels, as the core DMA library is designed
ONLY FOR 1/16 scan matrix panels.
2020-11-28 09:39:35 +01:00
#include "ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h"
#ifndef NO_GFX
#include <Fonts/FreeSansBold12pt7b.h>
struct VirtualCoords {
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
int16_t virt_row; // chain of panels row
int16_t virt_col; // chain of panels col
VirtualCoords() : x(0), y(0)
{ }
class VirtualMatrixPanel : public GFX
#elif !defined NO_GFX
class VirtualMatrixPanel : public Adafruit_GFX
class VirtualMatrixPanel
int16_t virtualResX;
int16_t virtualResY;
int16_t vmodule_rows;
int16_t vmodule_cols;
int16_t panelResX;
int16_t panelResY;
int16_t dmaResX; // The width of the chain in pixels (as the DMA engine sees it)
2020-11-28 10:45:30 +01:00
MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA *display;
VirtualMatrixPanel(MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA &disp, int _vmodule_rows, int _vmodule_cols, int _panelResX, int _panelResY, bool serpentine_chain = true, bool top_down_chain = false)
: GFX(_vmodule_cols*_panelResX, _vmodule_rows*_panelResY)
#elif !defined NO_GFX
: Adafruit_GFX(_vmodule_cols*_panelResX, _vmodule_rows*_panelResY)
this->display = &disp;
panelResX = _panelResX;
panelResY = _panelResY;
vmodule_rows = _vmodule_rows;
vmodule_cols = _vmodule_cols;
virtualResX = vmodule_cols*_panelResX;
virtualResY = vmodule_rows*_panelResY;
dmaResX = panelResX * vmodule_rows * vmodule_cols;
/* Virtual Display width() and height() will return a real-world value. For example:
* Virtual Display width: 128
* Virtual Display height: 64
* So, not values that at 0 to X-1
_s_chain_party = serpentine_chain; // serpentine, or 'S' chain?
_chain_top_down= top_down_chain;
coords.x = coords.y = -1; // By default use an invalid co-ordinates that will be rejected by updateMatrixDMABuffer
// equivalent methods of the matrix library so it can be just swapped out.
virtual void drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color);
virtual void fillScreen(uint16_t color); // overwrite adafruit implementation
virtual void fillScreenRGB888(uint8_t r, uint8_t g,uint8_t b);
void clearScreen() { display->clearScreen(); }
void drawPixelRGB888(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
uint16_t color444(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return display->color444(r, g, b); }
uint16_t color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return display->color565(r, g, b); }
uint16_t color333(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return display->color333(r, g, b); }
void flipDMABuffer() { display->flipDMABuffer(); }
void drawDisplayTest();
void setRotate(bool rotate);
void setPhysicalPanelScanRate(PANEL_SCAN_RATE rate);
virtual VirtualCoords getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y);
VirtualCoords coords;
bool _s_chain_party = true; // Are we chained? Ain't no party like a...
bool _chain_top_down = false; // is the ESP at the top or bottom of the matrix of devices?
bool _rotate = false;
}; // end Class header
* Calculate virtual->real co-ordinate mapping to underlying single chain of panels connected to ESP32.
* Updates the private class member variable 'coords', so no need to use the return value.
* Not thread safe, but not a concern for ESP32 sketch anyway... I think.
inline VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y) {
//Serial.println("Called Base.");
coords.x = coords.y = -1; // By defalt use an invalid co-ordinates that will be rejected by updateMatrixDMABuffer
// We want to rotate?
if (_rotate){
int16_t temp_x=x;
if ( x < 0 || x >= virtualResX || y < 0 || y >= virtualResY ) { // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! otherwise they are out of range!
//Serial.printf("VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(): Invalid virtual display coordinate. x,y: %d, %d\r\n", x, y);
return coords;
// Stupidity check
if ( (vmodule_rows == 1) && (vmodule_cols == 1)) // single panel...
coords.x = x;
coords.y = y;
return coords;
uint8_t row = (y / panelResY) + 1; //a non indexed 0 row number
if( ( _s_chain_party && !_chain_top_down && (row % 2 == 0) ) // serpentine vertically stacked chain starting from bottom row (i.e. ESP closest to ground), upwards
( _s_chain_party && _chain_top_down && (row % 2 != 0) ) // serpentine vertically stacked chain starting from the sky downwards
// First portion gets you to the correct offset for the row you need
// Second portion inverts the x on the row
coords.x = ((y / panelResY) * (virtualResX)) + (virtualResX - x) - 1;
// inverts the y the row
coords.y = panelResY - 1 - (y % panelResY);
// Normal chain pixel co-ordinate
coords.x = x + ((y / panelResY) * (virtualResX)) ;
coords.y = y % panelResY;
// Reverse co-ordinates if panel chain from ESP starts from the TOP RIGHT
if (_chain_top_down)
const HUB75_I2S_CFG _cfg = this->display->getCfg();
coords.x = (_cfg.mx_width * _cfg.chain_length - 1) - coords.x;
coords.y = (_cfg.mx_height-1) - coords.y;
coords.x = (dmaResX - 1) - coords.x;
coords.y = (panelResY-1) - coords.y;
/* START: Pixel remapping AGAIN to convert 1/16 SCAN output that the
* the underlying hardware library is designed for (because
* there's only 2 x RGB pins... and convert this to 1/8 or something
if ( _panelScanRate == ONE_EIGHT_32)
/* Convert Real World 'VirtualMatrixPanel' co-ordinates (i.e. Real World pixel you're looking at
on the panel or chain of panels, per the chaining configuration) to a 1/8 panels
double 'stretched' and 'squished' coordinates which is what needs to be sent from the
DMA buffer.
Note: Look at the One_Eight_1_8_ScanPanel code and you'll see that the DMA buffer is setup
as if the panel is 2 * W and 0.5 * H !
Serial.print("VirtualMatrixPanel Mapping ("); Serial.print(x, DEC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(y, DEC); Serial.print(") ");
// to
Serial.print("to ("); Serial.print(coords.x, DEC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(coords.y, DEC); Serial.println(") ");
if ( (y & 8) == 0) {
coords.x += ((coords.x / panelResX)+1)*panelResX; // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
else {
coords.x += (coords.x / panelResX)*panelResX; // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
// Real number of DMA y rows is half reality
// coords.y = (y / 16)*8 + (y & 0b00000111);
coords.y = (y >> 4)*8 + (y & 0b00000111);
Serial.print("OneEightScanPanel Mapping ("); Serial.print(x, DEC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(y, DEC); Serial.print(") ");
// to
Serial.print("to ("); Serial.print(coords.x, DEC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(coords.y, DEC); Serial.println(") ");
if ( _panelScanRate == ONE_EIGHT_16)
if ((y & 8) == 0) {
coords.x += (panelResX>>2) * (((coords.x & 0xFFF0)>>4)+1); // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
} else {
coords.x += (panelResX>>2) * (((coords.x & 0xFFF0)>>4)); // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
if (y < 32)
coords.y = (y >> 4) * 8 + (y & 0b00000111);
coords.y = ((y-32) >> 4) * 8 + (y & 0b00000111);
coords.x += 256;
//Serial.print("Mapping to x: "); Serial.print(coords.x, DEC); Serial.print(", y: "); Serial.println(coords.y, DEC);
return coords;
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color) { // adafruit virtual void override
getCoords(x, y);
this->display->drawPixel(coords.x, coords.y, color);
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::fillScreen(uint16_t color) { // adafruit virtual void override
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::fillScreenRGB888(uint8_t r, uint8_t g,uint8_t b) {
this->display->fillScreenRGB888(r, g, b);
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::drawPixelRGB888(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
getCoords(x, y);
this->display->drawPixelRGB888( coords.x, coords.y, r, g, b);
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::setRotate(bool rotate) {
#ifndef NO_GFX
// We don't support rotation by degrees.
if (rotate) { setRotation(1); } else { setRotation(0); }
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::setPhysicalPanelScanRate(PANEL_SCAN_RATE rate) {
#ifndef NO_GFX
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::drawDisplayTest()
this->display->setTextColor(this->display->color565(255, 255, 0));
for ( int panel = 0; panel < vmodule_cols*vmodule_rows; panel++ ) {
int top_left_x = (panel == 0) ? 0:(panel*panelResX);
this->display->drawRect( top_left_x, 0, panelResX, panelResY, this->display->color565( 0, 255, 0));
this->display->setCursor(panel*panelResX, panelResY-3);
2021-10-16 16:00:43 +02:00
// need to recreate this one, as it wouldn't work to just map where it starts.
inline void VirtualMatrixPanel::drawIcon (int *ico, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t icon_cols, int16_t icon_rows) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < icon_rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < icon_cols; j++) {
// This is a call to this libraries version of drawPixel
// which will map each pixel, which is what we want.
2021-03-31 19:29:03 +02:00
//drawPixelRGB565 (x + j, y + i, ico[i * module_cols + j]);
drawPixel (x + j, y + i, ico[i * icon_cols + j]);