esp-nimble-cpp 2.2.1
This guide describes the required changes to existing projects migrating from the original bluedroid API to NimBLE.
The changes listed here are only the required changes that must be made, and a short overview of options for migrating existing applications.
For more information on the improvements and additions please refer to the class documentation
All classes are accessible by including NimBLEDevice.h
in your application, no further headers need to be included.
(Mainly for Arduino) You may choose to include NimBLELog.h
in your application if you want to use the NIMBLE_LOGx
macros for debugging. These macros are used the same way as the ESP_LOGx
Class names remain the same as the original with the addition of a "Nim" prefix. For example BLEDevice
is now NimBLEDevice
and BLEServer
is now NimBLEServer
For convenience definitions have been added to allow applications to use either name for all classes this means no class names need to be changed in existing code and makes migrating easier.
) When constructing an address the constructor now takes an *(optional)* uint8_t type
parameter to specify the address type. Default is (0) Public static address.
For example BLEAddress addr(11:22:33:44:55:66, 1)
will create the address object with an address type of: 1 (Random).
As this parameter is optional no changes to existing code are needed, it is mentioned here for information.
is now named NimBLEAddress::getBase
and returns a pointer to const ble_addr_t
instead of a pointer to the address value.
Creating a BLEServer
instance is the same as original, no changes required. For example BLEDevice::createServer()
will work just as it did before.
) has new methods for handling security operations.
) only has a single callback declaration which takes an additional (required) parameter NimBLEConnInfo & connInfo
, which has methods to get information about the connected peer.
) only has a single callback declaration which takes 2 additional (required) parameters NimBLEConnInfo & connInfo
, which provides information about the peer and int reason
, which gives the reason code for disconnection.
is now (NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMtuChange
) and takes the parameter NimBLEConnInfo & connInfo
instead of esp_ble_gatts_cb_param_t
, which has methods to get information about the connected peer.
Note: All callback methods have default implementations which allows the application to implement only the methods applicable.
Creating a BLEService
) instance is the same as original, no changes required. For example BLEServer::createService(SERVICE_UUID)
will work just as it did before.
) is used the same way as originally except the properties parameter has changed.
When creating a characteristic the properties are now set with NIMBLE_PROPERTY::XXXX
instead of BLECharacteristic::XXXX
BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ |
Needs to be changed to:
) has a new method NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onSubscribe
which is called when a client subscribes to notifications/indications.
) only has a single callback declaration, which takes an additional (required) parameter of NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo
, which provides connection information about the peer.
) only has a single callback declaration, which takes an additional (required) parameter of NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo
, which provides connection information about the peer.
) has had the status parameter removed as it was unnecessary since the status code from the BLE stack was also provided. The status code for success is 0 for notifications and BLE_HS_EDONE for indications, any other value is an error.
Note: All callback methods have default implementations which allows the application to implement only the methods applicable.
Has been removed from the API. Originally this returned a uint8_t*
to the internal data, which is volatile. To prevent possibly throwing exceptions this has been removed and NimBLECharacteristic::getValue
should be used to get a copy of the data first which can then safely be accessed via pointer.
Alternatively use the getValue
Descriptors are now created using the NimBLECharacteristic::createDescriptor
BLE2902 or NimBLE2902 class has been removed. NimBLE automatically creates the 0x2902 descriptor if a characteristic has a notification or indication property assigned to it.
It was no longer useful to have a class for the 0x2902 descriptor as a new callback NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onSubscribe
was added to handle callback functionality and the client subscription status is handled internally.
Note: Attempting to create a 0x2902 descriptor will trigger a warning message and flag it internally as removed and will not be functional.
All other descriptors are now created just as characteristics are by using the NimBLECharacteristic::createDescriptor
method (except 0x2904, see below). Which are defined as:
Would create a descriptor with the UUID 0xABCD, publicly readable but only writable if paired/bonded (encrypted) and has a max value length of 25 bytes.
For the 0x2904, there is a specialized class that is created through NimBLECharacteristic::create2904
which returns a pointer to a NimBLE2904
instance which has specific functions for handling the data expect in the Characteristic Presentation Format Descriptor specification.
The above descriptor callbacks take an additional (required) parameter NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo
, which contains the connection information of the peer.
Security is set on the characteristic or descriptor properties by applying one of the following:
When a peer wants to read or write a characteristic or descriptor with any of these properties applied it will trigger the pairing process. By default the "just-works" pairing will be performed automatically.
This can be changed to use passkey authentication or numeric comparison. See Security API for details.
Advertising works the same as the original API except:
Calling NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementData
will entirely replace any data set with NimBLEAdvertising::addServiceUUID
, or NimBLEAdvertising::setAppearance
or similar methods. You should set all the data you wish to advertise within the NimBLEAdvertisementData
BLEAdvertising::start (NimBLEAdvertising::start)
Now takes 2 optional parameters, the first is the duration to advertise for (in milliseconds), the second NimBLEAddress
to direct advertising to a specific device.
Client instances are created just as before with BLEDevice::createClient
Multiple client instances can be created, up to the maximum number of connections set in the config file (default: 3). To delete a client instance you must use NimBLEDevice::deleteClient
) Has had it's parameters altered. Defined as:
NimBLEClient::connect(bool deleteServices = true, , bool asyncConnect = false, bool exchangeMTU = true);
NimBLEClient::connect(const NimBLEAddress& address, bool deleteAttributes = true, bool asyncConnect = false, bool exchangeMTU = true);
NimBLEClient::connect(const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* device, bool deleteServices = true, bool asyncConnect = false, bool exchangeMTU = true);
The type parameter has been removed and a new bool parameter has been added to indicate if the client should delete the attribute database previously retrieved (if applicable) for the peripheral, default value is true.
If set to false the client will use the attribute database it retrieved from the peripheral when previously connected. This allows for faster connections and power saving if the devices dropped connection and are reconnecting.
The parameter bool asyncConnect
if true, will cause the client to send the connect command to the stack and return immediately without blocking. The return value will represent wether the command was sent successfully or not and the NimBLEClientCallbacks::onConnect
or NimBLEClientCallbacks::onConnectFail
will be called when the operation is complete.
The parameter bool exchangeMTU
if true, will cause the client to perform the exchange MTU process upon connecting. If false the MTU exchange will need to be performed by the application by calling NimBLEClient::exchangeMTU
. If the connection is only sending small payloads it may be advantageous to not exchange the MTU to gain performance in the connection process.
This method now takes an optional (bool) parameter to indicate if the services should be retrieved from the server (true) or the currently known database returned (false : default). Also now returns a pointer to std::vector
instead of std::map
Removed: the automatic discovery of all peripheral attributes as they consumed time and resources for data the user may not be interested in.
Added: NimBLEClient::discoverAttributes
for the user to discover all the peripheral attributes to replace the the removed automatic functionality.
) Methods remain mostly unchanged with the exceptions of:
This method has been removed.
This method now takes an optional (bool) parameter to indicate if the characteristics should be retrieved from the server (true) or the currently known database returned, default = false.
Also now returns a pointer to std::vector
instead of std::map
) There have been a few changes to the methods in this class:
Now returns true or false to indicate success or failure so you can choose to disconnect or try again.
Has been removed.
Are the new methods added to replace it.
Are removed a template: NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue<type\>(time_t\*, bool)
has been added to replace them.
Has been removed from the API Originally it stored an unnecessary copy of the data and was returning a uint8_t
pointer to volatile internal data. The user application should use NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue
or NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getValue
. To obtain a copy of the data as a NimBLEAttValue
instance and use the NimBLEAttValue::data
member function to obtain the pointer.
Alternatively use the readValue
This method now takes an optional (bool) parameter to indicate if the descriptors should be retrieved from the server (true) or the currently known database returned, default = false. Also now returns a pointer to std::vector
instead of std::map
This now takes a second parameter int reason
which provides the reason code for disconnection.
The client will automatically initiate security when the peripheral responds that it's required. The default configuration will use "just-works" pairing with no bonding, if you wish to enable bonding see below.
The scan API is mostly unchanged from the original except for NimBLEScan::start
, which has the following changes:
A new parameter bool restart
has been added, when set to true to restart the scan if already in progress and clear the duplicate cache.
The blocking overload of NimBLEScan::start
has been replaced by an overload of NimBLEScan::getResults
with the same parameters.
Security operations have been moved to BLEDevice
The security callback methods are now incorporated in the NimBLEServerCallbacks
/ NimBLEClientCallbacks
The callback methods are:
bool onConfirmPasskey(NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo, uint32_t pin)
Receives the pin when using numeric comparison authentication. Call NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPasskey(connInfo, true);
to accept or NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPasskey(connInfo, false);
to reject.
void onPassKeyEntry(NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo)
Client callback; client should respond with the passkey (pin) by calling NimBLEDevice::injectPassKey(connInfo, 123456);
uint32_t onPassKeyDisplay()
Server callback; should return the passkey (pin) expected from the client.
void onAuthenticationComplete(NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo)
Authentication complete, success or failed information is available from the NimBLEConnInfo
Security settings and IO capabilities are now set by the following methods of NimBLEDevice.
NimBLEDevice::setSecurityAuth(bool bonding, bool mitm, bool sc)
NimBLEDevice::setSecurityAuth(uint8_t auth_req)
Sets the authorization mode for this device.
Sets the Input/Output capabilities of this device.
If we are the initiator of the security procedure this sets the keys we will distribute.
Sets the keys we are willing to accept from the peer during pairing.
Unlike the original library pre-packaged in the esp32-arduino, this library has all the configuration options that are normally set in menuconfig available in the src/nimconfig.h file.
This allows Arduino users to fully customize the build, such as increasing max connections or loading the BLE stack into external PSRAM.
For details on the options, they are fully commented in nimconfig.h