h2zero 2a5df0c905
Add feature: remove service (#17)
* Get service handles on server start

* remove service + indicate service changed

* Reset gatt services when no connections active and services changed.

* NimBLEServer::createService can now be used any time and will send service changed
indication if server was already active.

* Add ability to remove advertised serviceUUIDS

* Adds addService() method to server to be allow user to re-add a service previously removed

* Add destructior to NimBLEServer, NimBLEService and NimBLECharacteristic to release allocated resources.
2020-07-13 21:24:07 -06:00

4.2 KiB

Improvements and updates


NimBLECharacteristic::setValue(const T &s)
NimBLEDescriptor::setValue(const T &s)

Now use a template to accomodate standard and custom types/values.


struct my_struct{
    uint8_t  one;
    uint16_t two;
    uint32_t four;
    uint64_t eight;
    float    flt;
    = 1;
    myStruct.two = 2;
    myStruct.four = 4;
    myStruct.eight = 8;
    myStruct.flt = 1234.56;


This will send the struct to the recieving client when read or a notification sent.

NimBLECharacteristic::getValue now takes an optional timestamp parameter which will update it's value with
the time the last value was recieved. In addition an overloaded template has been added to retrieve the value
as a type specified by the user.


    time_t timestamp;
    myStruct = pCharacteristic->getValue<myStruct>(&timestamp); // timestamp optional

Advertising will automatically start when a client disconnects.

A new method NimBLEServer::advertiseOnDisconnect(bool) has been implemented to control this, true(default) = enabled.

NimBLEServer::removeService takes an additional parameter bool deleteSvc that if true will delete the service
and all characteristics / descriptors belonging to it and invalidating any pointers to them.

If false the service is only removed from visibility by clients. The pointers to the service and
it's characteristics / descriptors will remain valid and the service can be re-added in the future
using NimBLEServer::addService.


NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue(time_t*, bool)

Have been added as templates to allow reading the values as any specified type.


struct my_struct{
    uint8_t  one;
    uint16_t two;
    uint32_t four;
    uint64_t eight;
    float    flt;

    time_t timestamp;
    myStruct = pRemoteCharacteristic->readValue<myStruct>(&timestamp); // timestamp optional

Has been deprecated as now the internally stored characteristic value is updated when notification/indication is recieved.

NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::subscribe and NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::unsubscribe have been implemented to replace it.
A callback is no longer requred to get the most recent value unless timing is important. Instead, the application can call NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getValue to
get the last updated value any time.

In addition NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue and NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getValue take an optional timestamp parameter which will update it's value with
the time the last value was recieved.

NimBLEClient::getService will now retrieve only the service specified and not the full database, this preserves resources
otherwise wasted retrieving and allocating attributes the user application is not interested in.


To reduce resource use all instances of std::map have been replaced with std::vector.

Use of FreeRTOS::Semaphore has been removed as it was consuming too much ram, the related files have been left in place to accomodate application use.

Operators ==, != and std::string have been added to NimBLEAddress and NimBLEUUID for easier comparison and logging.

New constructor for NimBLEUUID(uint32_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint64_t) added to lower memory use vs string construction. See: #21.

Security/pairing operations are now handled in the respective NimBLEClientCallbacks and NimBLEServerCallbacks classes, NimBLESecurity(deprecated) remains for backward compatibility.

Configuration options have been added to add or remove debugging information, when disabled (default) significatly reduces binary size.
In ESP-IDF the options are in menuconfig: Main menu -> ESP-NimBLE-cpp configuration.
For Arduino the options must be commented / uncommented in nimconfig.h.

Many more internal improvements have been made as well, this is a brief overview. Refer to the class docs for futher information on class specifics.