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// the compiler switch for an ESP8266 is looking like this: #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
#include "CodeRacer.h"
using namespace std;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief CodeRace constructor without pins. All pins settings taken from the coderacer header file
* @return nothing
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_button_pin = H_BUTTON_PIN;
_servo_pin = H_SERVO_PIN;
_us_trigger_pin = H_US_TRIG_PIN;
_us_echo_pin = H_US_ECHO_PIN;
_drive_left_frwd_pin = H_DRIVE_LEFT_FWRD_PIN;
_drive_left_back_pin = H_DRIVE_LEFT_BACK_PIN;
_drive_left_enable_pin = H_DRIVE_LEFT_ENABLE_PIN;
_drive_right_frwd_pin = H_DRIVE_RIGHT_FWRD_PIN;
_drive_right_back_pin = H_DRIVE_RIGHT_BACK_PIN;
_drive_right_enable_pin = H_DRIVE_RIGHT_ENABLE_PIN;
_led_frwd_pin = H_LED_FRWD_PIN;
_led_stop_pin = H_LED_STOP_PIN;
_led_left_pin = H_LED_LEFT_PIN;
_led_right_pin = H_LED_RIGHT_PIN;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief CodeRace constructor with pins.This will overwrite the default settings taken from the header file.
* @param button_pin Pin the external button is connected at
* @param servo_pin Pin the servo drive is connected at
* @param us_trigger_pin Pin the trigger signal of the ultrasonic sensor is connected at
* @param us_echo_pin Pin the echo signal of the ultrasonic sensor is connected at
* @param drive_left_frwd_pin Pin the forward pin of the left side drive device driver is connected at
* @param drive_left_back_pin Pin the backward pin of the left side drive device driver is connected at
* @param drive_left_enable_pin Pin the enable pin of the left side drive device driver is connected at
* @param drive_right_frwd_pin Pin the forward pin of the right side drive device driver is connected at
* @param drive_right_back_pin Pin the backward pin of the right side drive device driver is connected at
* @param drive_right_enable_pin Pin the enable pin of the right side drive device driver is connected at
* @param led_frwd_pin Pin the led that signals forward direction is connected at
* @param led_stop_pin Pin the led that signals that the drives are stopped is connected at
* @param led_left_pin Pin the led that signals left side direction is connected at
* @param led_right_pin Pin the led that signals right side direction is connected at
* @return nothing
CodeRacer::CodeRacer(uint8_t button_pin , uint8_t servo_pin,
uint8_t us_trigger_pin, uint8_t us_echo_pin,
uint8_t drive_left_frwd_pin, uint8_t drive_left_back_pin, uint8_t drive_left_enable_pin,
uint8_t drive_right_frwd_pin, uint8_t drive_right_back_pin, uint8_t drive_right_enable_pin,
uint8_t led_frwd_pin, uint8_t led_stop_pin, uint8_t led_left_pin, uint8_t led_right_pin
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_button_pin = button_pin;
_servo_pin = servo_pin;
_us_trigger_pin = us_trigger_pin;
_us_echo_pin = us_echo_pin;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_drive_left_frwd_pin = drive_left_frwd_pin;
_drive_left_back_pin = drive_left_back_pin;
_drive_left_enable_pin = drive_left_enable_pin;
_drive_right_frwd_pin = drive_right_frwd_pin;
_drive_right_back_pin = drive_right_back_pin;
_drive_right_enable_pin = drive_right_enable_pin;
_led_frwd_pin = led_frwd_pin;
_led_stop_pin = led_stop_pin;
_led_left_pin = led_left_pin;
_led_right_pin = led_right_pin;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Initialisation of all attributes and settings of the coderacer. Defaults are taken from the header file.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::begin() {
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
// init of variables and objects
_bluetoothcreated = false;
_bt_stopOnLostConnection_timeout_ms = 0;
_bt_lastmessagereceived = millis();
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_servo_dummy = new Servo(); // the dummy is needed so far to avoid conflicts with analog write
_servo = new Servo();
servo_center_pos = H_SERVO_CENTER_POS;
servo_left_pos = H_SERVO_LEFT_POS;
servo_right_pos = H_SERVO_RIGHT_POS;
servo_sweep_left_pos = H_SERVO_SWEEP_LEFT_POS;
servo_sweep_right_pos = H_SERVO_SWEEP_RIGHT_POS;
_servo_position = servo_center_pos;
_servo_sweep_step = SERVO_SWEEP_TO_LEFT_STEP;
_servo_position_set_at_ms = millis();
_servo_position_eta_in_ms = 0;
_drive_left_speed = H_DRIVE_LEFT_SPEED;
_drive_right_speed = H_DRIVE_RIGHT_SPEED;
_turn_left_for_ms = H_RACER_TURN_LEFT_FOR_MS;
_turn_right_for_ms = H_RACER_TURN_RIGHT_FOR_MS;
coderracer_activ = false;
_coderracer_activ = true;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_drive = false;
_drive_set_at_ms = millis();
_servo_sweep = false;
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_last_led_switched_at_ms = millis();
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
_last_led_on = 0;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_led_count = 3;
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_servo_look_around_at_ms = millis() + random(FUN_MIN_PAUSE_MS, FUN_MAX_PAUSE_MS);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_usonic_stop_distance_cm = H_US_STOP_DISTANCE_CM;
_coderacer_stopped_at_min_distance = false;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
// Ultrasonic sensor
pinMode(_us_trigger_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_us_echo_pin, INPUT);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
// Servo drive
// Left drive
pinMode(_drive_left_frwd_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_drive_left_back_pin, OUTPUT);
ledcSetup(DRIVE_PWM_LEFT_CHANNEL, 5000, 8); // channel , 50 Hz, 8-bit width
ledcAttachPin(_drive_left_enable_pin, DRIVE_PWM_LEFT_CHANNEL); // connect left drive enable with PWM channel
// Right drive
pinMode(_drive_right_frwd_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_drive_right_back_pin, OUTPUT);
ledcSetup(DRIVE_PWM_RIGHT_CHANNEL, 5000, 8); // channel , 50 Hz, 8-bit width
ledcAttachPin(_drive_right_enable_pin, DRIVE_PWM_RIGHT_CHANNEL); // connect right drive enable pin with PWM channel
// LEDs
pinMode(_led_frwd_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_led_stop_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_led_left_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_led_right_pin, OUTPUT);
// all LEDS off
// Button & -interrupt
button_last_pressed_at_ms = 0;
pinMode(_button_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(_button_pin), _set_button_state, FALLING);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
// Random
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
//fun stuff
coderacer_fun_enabled = false;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
//*** Coderacer hihger level methods ***
/** @defgroup higherlevel Higher level methods, setters and getters
* @{
/** @defgroup higherlevelmeths Methods
* @{
/** @brief Stops the racer and sets status LEDs.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::stop_driving() {
_servo_sweep = false;
_drive = false;
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDOFF, LEDON, LEDOFF, LEDOFF);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets the speed and the directions of both drives so that it will move forward.
* The speed is taken from the header file or set by one of the methods defined in the lower level drive methods section
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::drive_forward()
drive_forward(_drive_left_speed, _drive_right_speed);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets the speed as specified for both drives and the directions of both drives so that it will move forward.
* The specified speed values for both drives will be stored internaly so next time if you use e.g. drive_forward() exactly the here specified values will be taken.
* @param left_speed speed for the left side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @param right_speed speed for the right side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::drive_forward(uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed)
set_drives_states_left_right(DRIVEFRWD, DRIVEFRWD);
set_drives_speed_left_right(left_speed, right_speed);
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDON, LEDOFF);
_drive = true;
_drive_set_at_ms = millis();
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets the speed and the directions of both drives so that it will move backward.
* The speed is taken from the header file or set by one of the methods defined in the lower level drive methods section
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::drive_backward()
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
drive_backward(_drive_left_speed, _drive_right_speed);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets the speed as specified for both drives and the directions of both drives so that it will move backward.
* The specified speed values for both drives will be stored internaly so next time if you use e.g. drive_backward() exactly the here specified values will be taken.
* @param left_speed speed for the left side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @param right_speed speed for the right side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::drive_backward(uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed)
set_drives_states_left_right(DRIVEBACK, DRIVEBACK);
set_drives_speed_left_right(left_speed, right_speed);
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDOFF, LEDON, LEDON, LEDOFF);
_drive = true;
_drive_set_at_ms = millis();
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Will turn the racer to the left for the internally stroe time in ms and with the internally stored speed.
* The speed for both the left side and right side drive can be set by the methods described in the lower level drive section. The turn to left time can be set by thoose methods as well.
* The method is delayed until the racer has turned.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::turn_left()
turn_left(_turn_left_for_ms, _drive_left_speed, _drive_right_speed);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Will turn the racer to the left for the specified time in ms and with the internally stored speed.
* The specified duration of time is stored internally and will be used next time by e.g. turn_left()
* @param turn_for_ms duration of time in ms to turn the racer
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::turn_left(unsigned long turn_for_ms)
turn_left(turn_for_ms, _drive_left_speed, _drive_right_speed);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Will turn the racer to the left for the specified time in ms and with the specified speed.
* The specified duration of time and the specified speeds are stored internally and will be used next time by e.g. turn_left()
* @param turn_for_ms duration of time in ms to turn the racer
* @param left_speed speed for the left side drive
* @param right_speed speed for the right side drive
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::turn_left(unsigned long turn_for_ms, uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed)
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_drive = false;
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDON, LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDOFF); // LEDs setzen
set_drives_states_left_right(DRIVEBACK, DRIVEFRWD);
set_drives_speed_left_right(left_speed, right_speed);
// wait set delay for the timed turn
_turn_left_for_ms = turn_for_ms;
// stop drives again
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Will turn the racer to the right for the internally stroe time in ms and with the internally stored speed.
* The speed for both the left side and right side drive can be set by the methods described in the lower level drive section. The turn to right time can be set by thoose methods as well.
* The method is delayed until the racer has turned.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::turn_right()
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
turn_right(_turn_right_for_ms, _drive_left_speed, _drive_right_speed);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Will turn the racer to the right for the specified time in ms and with the internally stored speed.
* The specified duration of time is stored internally and will be used next time by e.g. turn_right()
* @param turn_for_ms duration of time in ms to turn the racer
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::turn_right(unsigned long turn_for_ms)
turn_right(turn_for_ms, _drive_left_speed, _drive_right_speed);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Will turn the racer to the right for the specified time in ms and with the specified speed.
* The specified duration of time and the specified speeds are stored internally and will be used next time by e.g. turn_right()
* @param turn_for_ms duration of time in ms to turn the racer
* @param left_speed speed for the left side drive
* @param right_speed speed for the right side drive
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::turn_right(unsigned long turn_for_ms, uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed)
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
_drive = false;
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDON); // LEDs setzen
set_drives_states_left_right(DRIVEFRWD, DRIVEBACK);
set_drives_speed_left_right(left_speed, right_speed);
// wait set delay for the timed turn
_turn_right_for_ms = turn_for_ms;
// stop drives again
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Enables to stopp the racer if during a distance measurement the measured distance is smaller then the internally stored minimal distance.
* This allow all of the none-single shot ultra sonic measurement methods to stopp the racer in the case the measured distance is smaller than minimal distance. This is just the enablement - you have to call one of the none-single-shot ultra sonic measurement methods continously while driving and maybe sweeping the servo.
* If the racer was stopped can be checked with stopped_at_min_distance() - it will return true in that case.
* The minimal distance can be set by the ultrasonic sensor setter methods.
* There is an example coming with the coderacer libary that you can load and get an idea how that works.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::start_stop_at_min_distance() {
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Enables to stopp the racer if during a distance measurement the measured distance is smaller then the specified minimal distance.
* This is almos the same as described for start_stop_at_min_distance(). You can specify the distance in cm here - this value will be stored internally and used by start_stop_at_min_distance() next time.
* @param min_distance_cm the minimal disctance in cm
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::start_stop_at_min_distance(unsigned long min_distance_cm) {
if (false == _coderacer_stop_at_distance_enabled) {
_coderacer_stopped_at_min_distance = false;
_coderacer_stop_at_distance_enabled = true;
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Disables to stopp the racer if during a distance measurement the measured distance is smaller then the specified minimal distance.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::stop_stop_at_min_distance() {
_coderacer_stop_at_distance_enabled = false;
/** @brief This will return if the codracer is in active mode or not.
* There is a button used to toogle between active and inactive each time it is pressed This may help you to start driving and scanning the distance by pressing the button - and as well to stop the racer by pressing the button.
* This method will set the LEDs depending on the mode and sets the servo back to center and stopps the racer when leaving the active mode. You can leave or enter the active mode as well by setting using set_active() and set_inactive().
* The button itself triggers and internall interrupt event and sets the active state - but you have to continously call that method to switch between inactive and active mode depending on the active state.
* If in inactive mode and fun is enabeld by just setting the coderacer_fun_enabled = true ... some fun will happen :-)
* @return True if the coderacer is in active mode. False if in inactive mode.
bool CodeRacer::start_stop() {
if (_coderracer_activ != coderracer_activ) {
_coderracer_activ = coderracer_activ;
if (true == _coderracer_activ) {
else {
_servo_look_around_at_ms = millis() + random(20000, 120000);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
if ((false == _coderracer_activ) && (true == coderacer_fun_enabled)) {
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @} */ // end of group higherlevelmeths
/** @defgroup higherlevelgetters Getters and setters
* @{
/** @brief Returns true if the racer was stopped at minimum distance. This set to false each time start_stop_at_min_distance() is called.
* @return True if stopped.
bool CodeRacer::stopped_at_min_distance() {
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Return true if the racer is driving - forward or backward
* @return True if driving forward or backward
bool CodeRacer::is_driving() {
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Returns the duration of time that is internally stored and used for turning the racer left
* @return Time to turn left in ms
unsigned long CodeRacer::turn_left_for_ms() {
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Returns the duration of time that is internally stored and used for turning the racer left
* @return Time to turn left in ms
unsigned long CodeRacer::turn_right_for_ms() {
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets the coderracer_active state to inactive. If start_stop() is used - the inactive mode will be entered.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_inactive() {
coderracer_activ = false;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets the coderracer_active state to active. If start_stop() is used - the active mode will be entered.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_active() {
coderracer_activ = true;
/** @brief Checks if coderracer_activ is set.
* coderracer_activ is toggled each time the button is pressed. After power on coderracer_activ is set to False.
* @return True id coderracer_activ is set - False if not.
bool CodeRacer::is_active() {
/** @} */ // end of group higherlevelgetters
/** @} */ // end of group higherlevel
//*** Just for fun ***
/** @defgroup lowerlevelfun Lower level fun stuff methods
* @{
/** @brief Fun stuff - will move the servo around after a random amount of time
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::look_around()
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
if (_servo_look_around_at_ms < millis()) {
_servo_look_around_at_ms = millis() + random(FUN_MIN_PAUSE_MS, FUN_MAX_PAUSE_MS);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Fun stuff - you know Knightrider...
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::kitt()
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
if (millis() - _last_led_switched_at_ms > LED_SWITCH_MS) {
_last_led_switched_at_ms = millis();
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
if (_last_led_on >= 5) {
_led_count = -1;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
else if (_last_led_on <= 0) {
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
_led_count = 1;
_last_led_on = _last_led_on + _led_count;
switch (_last_led_on) {
case 0:
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDON, LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDOFF);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
case 1:
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDON, LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDOFF);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
case 2:
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDOFF, LEDON, LEDOFF, LEDOFF);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
case 3:
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDON, LEDOFF);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
case 4:
case 5:
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDOFF, LEDON);
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelfun
//*** Bluetooth ***
/** @defgroup lowerlevelbluetooth Lower level bluetooth methods
* @{
/** @brief starting the bluetooth service for the coderacer if not already started
* @param name the device will be listed by that name in your bluetooth device lists
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::bt_start(String name)
if (false == _bluetoothcreated) {
_BTSerial = new BluetoothSerial();
_bluetoothcreated = true;
/** @brief enables the code to stop if there was no incoming message for the specified time. This will be checked everytime bt_getXXX or bt_msgavailable is called.
* @param timeout after that duration of milliseconds without an incoming bluetooth message the coderacer will be stopped. 0 means this stoppinf is disabled.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::bt_enable_stopOnLostConnection(unsigned long timeout)
_bt_stopOnLostConnection_timeout_ms = timeout;
/** @brief enables the code to stop if there was no incoming message for 1 second. This will be checked everytime bt_getXXX or bt_msgavailable is called.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::bt_enable_stopOnLostConnection()
_bt_stopOnLostConnection_timeout_ms = 1000;
/** @brief Disables the code to stop if there was no incoming message for a certain duration of time.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::bt_disable_stopOnLostConnection()
_bt_stopOnLostConnection_timeout_ms = 0;
/** @brief gets the bluetooth message string until a delimiter of 0
* @return will return the string. If nothing is availbale or the service is not started it will return an empty string.
String CodeRacer::bt_getString()
return bt_getString(0);
/** @brief gets the bluetooth message string until a specified delimiter
* @return will return the string. If nothing is availbale or the service is not started it will return an empty string.
String CodeRacer::bt_getString(uint8_t delimiterbyte)
String readstring = "";
if (bt_msgavailable())
readstring = _BTSerial->readStringUntil(delimiterbyte);
if (find(_bt_ignoremsgs.begin(), _bt_ignoremsgs.end(), readstring) != _bt_ignoremsgs.end())
readstring = "";
/** @brief add a String to a list of Strings that will be ignored if this is received via blue tooth. Ignores means - it will be read from the pipe but not returned to user code. But it will reset the message timeout counter.
* @param stringtoignore the String that has to be ignored. Will be added to the internal list if not already there.
void CodeRacer::bt_addStringToIgnoreList(String stringtoignore)
std::vector<String>::iterator it;
if (stringtoignore.length() > 0)
it = find(_bt_ignoremsgs.begin(), _bt_ignoremsgs.end() ,stringtoignore);
if (it == _bt_ignoremsgs.end())
/** @brief removes a String from the list of Strings that will be ignored if this is received via blue tooth. Ignores means - it will be read from the pipe but not returned to user code. But it will reset the message timeout counter.
* @param stringtoignore the String that has to be removed from the ignore list.
void CodeRacer::bt_removeStringFromIgnoreList(String stringtoignore)
std::vector<String>::iterator it;
if (stringtoignore.length() > 0)
it = find(_bt_ignoremsgs.begin(), _bt_ignoremsgs.end(), stringtoignore);
if (it != _bt_ignoremsgs.end())
/** @brief Clears the list of Strings that will be ignored if this is received via blue tooth. All elements of the list will be deleted from the list.
void CodeRacer::bt_clearIgnoreList()
/** @brief checks if a bluetooth is available. Will also stop the coderacer if there was nor message received for a certain time - and if stopping was enabled .
* @return true if a message is available , false if not message is available or the service was not started
bool CodeRacer::bt_msgavailable()
bool rc = false;
if (true == _bluetoothcreated) {
rc = true;
_bt_lastmessagereceived = millis();
if (_bt_stopOnLostConnection_timeout_ms > 0)
if ((millis() - _bt_lastmessagereceived) > _bt_stopOnLostConnection_timeout_ms)
return rc;
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelbluetooth
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
//*** Servo drive lower level control ***
/** @defgroup lowerlevelservo Lower level servo drive methods and getters
* @{
/** @defgroup lowerlevelservomeths Methods
* @{
/** @brief Overwrites the default settings taken from header file by the parameters given to this method
* @param pos_center The postion at which the servo moves to straight forward. Default is 90. Allowed 10 <= pos_center <= 170.
* @param pos_left The postion at which the servo moves to the left. Default is 170. Allowed 10 <= pos_center <= 170.
* @param pos_right The postion at which the servo moves to the right. Default is 10. Allowed 10 <= pos_center <= 170.
* @param sweep_left_pos If the servo is sweeping from left to the right - this defines the most left postion. Default is 140. Allowed 10 <= pos_center <= 170.
* @param sweep_right_pos If the servo is sweeping from left to the right - this defines the most right postion. Default is 40. Allowed 10 <= pos_center <= 170.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::servo_settings(uint8_t pos_center, uint8_t pos_left, uint8_t pos_right, uint8_t sweep_left_pos, uint8_t sweep_right_pos)
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
servo_center_pos = pos_center;
servo_left_pos = pos_left;
servo_right_pos = pos_right;
servo_sweep_left_pos = sweep_left_pos;
servo_sweep_right_pos = sweep_right_pos;
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Turns sweeping of the servo from left to right and back on.
* The sweeping range is defind by #servo_sweep_left_pos and #servo_sweep_right_pos attributes. Both can be set by either servo_settings() or as public members.
* Every time servo_sweep() is called the servo is driven by 5 steps until either #servo_sweep_left_pos or #servo_sweep_right_pos is reached. Then it will turn the
* direction and step to the other side every time this method is called.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::servo_sweep()
uint8_t position;
_servo_sweep = true;
if (millis() - _servo_position_set_at_ms > SERVO_SWEEP_MS) {
position = _servo_position + _servo_sweep_step;
//sprintf(_debugmsg,"[%s] current position=%ld newpostion=%ld", __func__, _servo_position, position);
if ((position >= servo_sweep_left_pos) || (position >= SERVO_MAX_POSITION)) {
position = servo_sweep_left_pos;
_servo_sweep_step = SERVO_SWEEP_TO_RIGHT_STEP;
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2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
if ((position <= servo_sweep_right_pos) || (position <= SERVO_MIN_POSITION)) {
position = servo_sweep_right_pos;
_servo_sweep_step = SERVO_SWEEP_TO_LEFT_STEP;
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2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
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2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Drives the servo to the postion that is defined by #servo_right_pos
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::servo_set_to_right()
/** @brief Drives the servo to the postion that is defined by #servo_left_pos
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::servo_set_to_left()
/** @brief Drives the servo to the postion that is defined by #servo_center_pos
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::servo_set_to_center()
/** @brief Drive the servo to the postion given to this method
* The method will wait until the servo has reached its new position.
* @param position Position the servo will be drived to. Allowed are values 10<=postion<=170. 10 is at the right hand side, 170 at the left hand side.
* @return The new servo position
uint8_t CodeRacer::servo_set_position_wait(uint8_t position)
_servo_sweep = false;
unsigned long wait_time_ms = _servo_set_position(position);
/** @brief Drive the servo to the postion given to this method
* The method will not wait until the servo has reached its new position.
* @param position Position the servo will be drived to. Allowed are values 10<=postion<=170. 10 is at the right hand side, 170 at the left hand side.
* @return The time in ms the servo will need to reach the new position
unsigned long CodeRacer::servo_set_position(uint8_t position)
_servo_sweep = false;
unsigned long wait_time_ms = _servo_set_position(position);
unsigned long CodeRacer::_servo_set_position(uint8_t position)
uint8_t _position = position;
uint8_t absdiff;
if (position < SERVO_MIN_POSITION) {
else if (position > SERVO_MAX_POSITION) {
// wait minimal delay to avoid code collaps
absdiff = abs(_servo_position - _position);
if (absdiff > 1) {
_servo_position_eta_in_ms = absdiff * SERVO_SET_1TICK_POSITION_DELAY_MS;
else {
_servo_position_eta_in_ms = 0;
_servo_position_set_at_ms = millis();
_servo_position = _position;
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelservomeths
/** @defgroup lowerlevelservogetters Getters
* @{
/** @brief Get the actual position of the servo
* @return Actual position of the servo
uint8_t CodeRacer::servo_position() {
/** @brief Get the system time in ms the servo was set to the actual position
* @return System time in ms the servo was set
unsigned long CodeRacer::servo_position_set_at_ms() {
/** @brief Get the system time in ms the servo will reach its position
* This is an estimated time.
* If this is a time in the future, the servo may still moving.
* If this is a time in the past , the servo should have reached its postion already.
* @return System time in ms the servo will reach its position
unsigned long CodeRacer::servo_position_eta_in_ms() {
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelservogetters
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelservo
//*** Ultrasonic lower level control ***
/** @defgroup lowerlevelus Lower level ultra sonic methods and getters
* @{
/** @defgroup lowerlevelusmeths Methods
* @{
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in cm.
* This is the medium one out of 3 measurements. The maximum measured distance is about 100cm and defined by the US_MAX_ECHO_TIME_US setting in the header file.
* @return The measured distance in cm.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_cm()
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in microseconds.
* This is the medium one out of 3 measurements. The maximum measured distance is about 6000 microseconds and defined by the US_MAX_ECHO_TIME_US setting in the header file.
* @return The measured distance in microseconds.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_us()
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in cm.
* This is the medium one out of 3 measurements. Be careful with high values for max_echo_run_time_us - this may increase run time due to the fact that if there is nothing in range of the sensor it will wait until this specified run time of the echo is over.
* The maximum range the sensor is specified for is about 300cm.
* @param max_echo_run_time_us Defines the maximum echo run time and by that the maximum of distance that can be measured.
* @return The measured distance in cm.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_cm(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us)
unsigned long echo_runtime_us = usonic_measure_us(max_echo_run_time_us);
unsigned long distance_cm = echo_runtime_us * 0.0172;
//Serial.print("MEASURE_DISTANCE. Distance in cm is: ");
_usonic_distance_cm = distance_cm;
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in microseconds.
* This is the medium one out of 3 measurements. Be careful with high values for max_echo_run_time_us - this may increase run time due to the fact that if there is nothing in range of the sensor it will wait until this specified run time of the echo is over.
* The maximum range the sensor is specified for is about 300cm.
* @param max_echo_run_time_us Defines the maximum echo run time in microseconds and by that the maximum of distance that can be measured.
* @return The measured distance in microseconds.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_us(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us)
unsigned long echo_runtime_us[3] = { 0,0,0 };
uint8_t measnr = 0;
do {
echo_runtime_us[measnr] = usonic_measure_single_shot_us(max_echo_run_time_us);
if (echo_runtime_us[measnr] > 200) {
} while (measnr < 3);
// we will take the medium out of 3 values ...
if (echo_runtime_us[0] > echo_runtime_us[1]) { std::swap(echo_runtime_us[0], echo_runtime_us[1]); }
if (echo_runtime_us[1] > echo_runtime_us[2]) { std::swap(echo_runtime_us[1], echo_runtime_us[2]); }
if (echo_runtime_us[0] > echo_runtime_us[1]) { std::swap(echo_runtime_us[0], echo_runtime_us[1]); }
//Serial.print("MEASURE_DISTANCE_US. Echo runtime in us is: ");
// if the stop at minimal distance is enabeled - check for minimal distance is reached
if (true == _coderacer_stop_at_distance_enabled) {
if (echo_runtime_us[1] <= _usonic_stop_distance_us) {
_coderacer_stopped_at_min_distance = true;
_coderacer_stop_at_distance_enabled = false;
_usonic_distance_us = echo_runtime_us[1];
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in cm.
* This is a one shot measurement. The maximum measured distance is about 6000 microseconds and defined by the US_MAX_ECHO_TIME_US setting in the header file.
* @return The measured distance in cm.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_single_shot_cm()
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in microseconds.
* This is a one shot measurement. The maximum measured distance is about 6000 microseconds and defined by the US_MAX_ECHO_TIME_US setting in the header file.
* @return The measured distance in microseconds.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_single_shot_us()
2018-10-18 15:33:25 +02:00
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in cm.
* This is a one shot measurement. Be careful with high values for max_echo_run_time_us - this may increase run time due to the fact that if there is nothing in range of the sensor it will wait until this specified run time of the echo is over.
* The maximum range the sensor is specified for is about 300cm.
* @param max_echo_run_time_us Defines the maximum echo run time in microseconds and by that the maximum of distance that can be measured.
* @return The measured distance in cm.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_single_shot_cm(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us)
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
// convert into cm ... 344m/sec is the speed of noise - thus 34400cm/sec ... or 34,400cm/milisec ... or 0,0344cm/microsec
// the echo has to go the distance twice - forth and back - so the duration has to be the half of the measured one
// distance_cm = echo_duration/2 * 0,0344 or distance_cm = echo_duration/2 / 29,1 or distance_cm = echo_duration * 0,0172
// distance_cm = (echo_duration/2) / 29.1;
unsigned long echo_runtime_us = usonic_measure_single_shot_us(max_echo_run_time_us);
unsigned long distance_cm = echo_runtime_us * 0.0172;
//Serial.print("MEASURE_DISTANCE. Distance in cm is: ");
_usonic_distance_cm = distance_cm;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Measures the distance to the next object in front of the ultra sonic sensor in microseconds.
* This is a one shot measurement. Be careful with high values for max_echo_run_time_us - this may increase run time due to the fact that if there is nothing in range of the sensor it will wait until this specified run time of the echo is over.
* The maximum range the sensor is specified for is about 300cm.
* @param max_echo_run_time_us Defines the maximum echo run time in microseconds and by that the maximum of distance that can be measured.
* @return The measured distance in microseconds.
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_measure_single_shot_us(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us)
unsigned long echo_runtime_us;
// start measurement - send a short pulse "HIGH" to the TRIG pin of the ultrasonic sensor
pinMode(_us_echo_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_us_echo_pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(_us_trigger_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(_us_trigger_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(_us_trigger_pin, LOW);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
// measure runtime in microseconds until the ECHO pin aof the sensor goes HIGH
echo_runtime_us = pulseInLong(_us_echo_pin, HIGH, max_echo_run_time_us);
if (echo_runtime_us == 0) {
echo_runtime_us = max_echo_run_time_us; // US_MAX_ECHO_TIME_US;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
//Serial.print("MEASURE_DISTANCE_US. Echo runtime in us is: ");
_usonic_distance_us = echo_runtime_us;
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2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelusmethods
/** @defgroup lowerlevelusgetters Setters and getters
* @{
/** @brief Sets the stop distance in cm.
* If start_stop_at_min_distance() is used and distance measured with one of the measurement methods - the racer will be stopped immediately. All except the singe shot methods of the ultra sonic measurements methods supports that.
* Internally the stop distance will be set as both - in cm and in microseconds.
* @param stop_distance_cm Distance in cm the racer will be stopped if that features was enabled by start_stop_at_min_distance() before.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::usonic_set_stop_distance_cm(unsigned long stop_distance_cm)
_usonic_stop_distance_us = stop_distance_cm * 58.14;
/** @brief Sets the stop distance in cm.
* If start_stop_at_min_distance() is used and distance measured with one of the measurement methods - the racer will be stopped immediately. All except the singe shot methods of the ultra sonic measurements methods supports that.
* Internally the stop distance will be set as both - in cm and in microseconds.
* @param stop_distance_us Distance in cm the racer will be stopped if that features was enabled by start_stop_at_min_distance() before.
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::usonic_set_stop_distance_us(unsigned long stop_distance_us)
_usonic_stop_distance_us = stop_distance_us;
/** @brief Returns the last measured distance in microseconds
* @return Distance in microseconds
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_distance_us() {
/** @brief Returns the last measured distance in cm
* @return Distance in cm
unsigned long CodeRacer::usonic_distance_cm() {
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelusgetters
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelus
//*** Drives lower level control ***
/** @defgroup lowerleveldrives Lower level drives methods and getters
* @{
/** @defgroup lowerleveldrivesmeths Methods
* @{
/** @brief Overwrites some drive settings. This will replace the defaults set by the values in the header file.
* @param drive_left_speed Speed of the left side drive
* @param drive_right_speed Speed of the right side drive
* @param turn_left_for_ms Time in ms the racer will turn to the left around its center if turn_left() is called
* @param turn_right_for_ms Time in ms the racer will turn to the right around its center if turn_right() is called
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::drives_settings(uint8_t drive_left_speed, uint8_t drive_right_speed, unsigned long turn_left_for_ms, unsigned long turn_right_for_ms)
_drive_left_speed = drive_left_speed;
_drive_right_speed = drive_right_speed;
_turn_left_for_ms = turn_left_for_ms;
_turn_right_for_ms = turn_right_for_ms;
/** @brief Stopps both drives
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drives_stop_left_right() {
/** @brief Sets both of the drives to a specified drivestate (DRIVESTOP, DRIVEFRWD, DRIVEBACK)
* @param stateleft drivestate to set for the left side drive
* @param stateright drivestate to set for the right side drive
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drives_states_left_right(drivestate stateleft, drivestate stateright) {
/** @brief Sets the left side drive to the specified drivestate (DRIVESTOP, DRIVEFRWD, DRIVEBACK)
* @param state drivestate to set for the left side drive
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drive_left_state(drivestate state) {
set_drive_state(state, _drive_left_frwd_pin, _drive_left_back_pin);
/** @brief Sets the right side drive to the specified drivestate (DRIVESTOP, DRIVEFRWD, DRIVEBACK)
* @param state drivestate to set for the right side drive
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drive_right_state(drivestate state) {
set_drive_state(state, _drive_right_frwd_pin, _drive_right_back_pin);
/** @brief Sets the specified drivestate for the drive connected to the sepecified pins (DRIVESTOP, DRIVEFRWD, DRIVEBACK)
* @param state drivestate to set for the connected drive
* @param frwdpin Pin the forward signal of the drive device driver is connected at
* @param backpin Pin the backward signal of the drive device driver is connected at
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drive_state(drivestate state, uint8_t frwdpin, uint8_t backpin) {
switch (state) {
digitalWrite(frwdpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(backpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(frwdpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(backpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(frwdpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(backpin, HIGH);
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2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets the speed for both of the drives.
* The drive will run with that speed afterwards. The direction of the drive has to be specfied with one of the set_drive_state methods before
* @param speedleft speed of the left side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @param speedright speed of the right side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drives_speed_left_right(uint8_t speedleft, uint8_t speedright) {
/** @brief Sets the speed for the left side drive.
* The drive will run with that speed afterwards. The direction of the drive has to be specfied with one of the set_drive_state methods before
* @param speed speed of the left side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drive_left_speed(uint8_t speed) {
set_drive_speed(speed, _drive_left_enable_pin);
/** @brief Sets the speed for the right side drive.
* The drive will run with that speed afterwards. The direction of the drive has to be specfied with one of the set_drive_state methods before
* @param speed speed of the right side drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drive_right_speed(uint8_t speed) {
set_drive_speed(speed, _drive_right_enable_pin);
/** @brief Sets the speed for the drive of the enable pin connected to the specified pin.
* The drive will run with that speed afterwards. The direction of the drive has to be specfied with one of the set_drive_state methods before
* @param speed speed of the drive. 0<=speed<=255
* @param enablepin Pin the drives device driver enable pin is connected at
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_drive_speed(uint8_t speed, uint8_t enablepin) {
_analog_write(enablepin, (int)speed);
/** @} */ // end of group lowerleveldrivesmethods
/** @defgroup lowerleveldrivesgetters Getters
* @{
/** @brief Get the setting for the speed of the right side drive
* @return Speed of the right side drive
uint8_t CodeRacer::drive_right_speed() {
return _drive_right_speed;
/** @brief Get the setting for the speed of the left side drive
* @return Speed of the left side drive
uint8_t CodeRacer::drive_left_speed() {
void CodeRacer::_analog_write(uint8_t pin, uint8_t speed) {
if (pin == _drive_left_enable_pin) {
_drive_left_speed = speed;
ledcWrite(DRIVE_PWM_LEFT_CHANNEL, speed);
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if (pin == _drive_right_enable_pin) {
_drive_right_speed = speed;
ledcWrite(DRIVE_PWM_RIGHT_CHANNEL, speed);
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2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @} */ // end of group lowerleveldrivesgetters
/** @} */ // end of group lowerleveldrives
//*** LED lower level control ***
/** @defgroup lowerlevelled Lower level LED methods
* @{
/** @defgroup lowerlevelledmeths Methods
* @{
/** @brief Sets all of the 4 LEDs to a ledstate (LEDON, LEDOFF)
* @param leftled set state of status left LED (most left yellow led)
* @param stopled set state of status stop LED (red led)
* @param frwdled set state of status forward LED (green or blue led)
* @param rightled set state of status right LED (most right yellow led)
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(ledstate leftled, ledstate stopled, ledstate frwdled, ledstate rightled) {
digitalWrite(_led_left_pin, leftled);
digitalWrite(_led_frwd_pin, frwdled);
digitalWrite(_led_right_pin, rightled);
digitalWrite(_led_stop_pin, stopled);
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets all of the 4 LEDs to the same ledstate (LEDON, LEDOFF)
* @param alleds set state to all status LEDs
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_leds_all(ledstate alleds) {
digitalWrite(_led_left_pin, alleds);
digitalWrite(_led_frwd_pin, alleds);
digitalWrite(_led_right_pin, alleds);
digitalWrite(_led_stop_pin, alleds);
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2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
/** @brief Sets all of the 4 LEDs to the ledstate LEDOFF
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_leds_all_off() {
/** @brief Sets all of the 4 LEDs to the ledstate LEDON
* @return nothing
void CodeRacer::set_leds_all_on() {
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelledmets
/** @} */ // end of group lowerlevelled
//*** ISRs ***
//IRAM_ATTR is used to load the code into DRAM and not to Flash to make it faster - required for ISRs
void IRAM_ATTR CodeRacer::_set_button_state() {
if ((millis() - button_last_pressed_at_ms) > BUTTON_BOUNCING_TIME_MS) {
button_last_pressed_at_ms = millis(); // simplest debouncing - just wait ;-)
coderracer_activ = !coderracer_activ;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
//** Methods below this are obsolete and only in here for compatiblity to other projects - do not use them anymore !!!
void CodeRacer::motor_einstellungen(uint8_t drive_left_speed, uint8_t drive_right_speed, unsigned long turn_left_for_ms, unsigned long turn_right_for_ms)
drives_settings(drive_left_speed, drive_right_speed, turn_left_for_ms, turn_right_for_ms);
void CodeRacer::servo_einstellungen(uint8_t pos_center, uint8_t pos_left, uint8_t pos_right, uint8_t sweep_left_pos, uint8_t sweep_right_pos)
servo_settings(pos_center, pos_left, pos_right, sweep_left_pos, sweep_right_pos);
void CodeRacer::servo_rechts()
Serial.println("SERVO_RECHTS"); // Meldung am Monitor ausgeben
servo_set_to_right(); // Servo auf den Winkel rechts drehen
void CodeRacer::servo_links()
Serial.println("SERVO_LINKS"); // Meldung am Monitor ausgeben
servo_set_to_left(); // Servo auf den Winkel links drehen
void CodeRacer::servo_mitte()
void CodeRacer::servo_schwenk()
void CodeRacer::links()
void CodeRacer::rechts()
void CodeRacer::anhalten()
void CodeRacer::vorwaerts()
void CodeRacer::rueckwaerts()
unsigned long CodeRacer::abstand_messen()
unsigned long distance_cm = 0;
unsigned long min_distance_cm = 1000;
int8_t servo_turn_direction = 0;
// while driving or sweeping there will be only one value be measured - else there will be mutiple measurements and the servor will be turning
if (((true == _drive) || (servo_center_pos == _servo_position) || _servo_sweep == true)) {
// while driving ...
//Serial.println("ABSTAND_MESSEN im fahren, direkt nach vorn oder Schwenk() ist aktiv ...");
min_distance_cm = usonic_measure_cm();
} else {
// no sweep, not driving ...
//Serial.println("ABSTAND_MESSEN im Stand nach links oder rechts...");
// are we already ath left or right with the servo ?
if (servo_left_pos == _servo_position) {
//Serial.println("ABSTAND_MESSEN. Linke Seite.");
//left ...
servo_turn_direction = SERVO_SWEEP_TO_RIGHT_STEP;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
if (servo_right_pos == _servo_position) {
//right ...
//Serial.println("ABSTAND_MESSEN rechte Seite.");
servo_turn_direction = SERVO_SWEEP_TO_LEFT_STEP;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
// trun the servo and do measuring ... remember the smallest value
do {
_servo_set_position(_servo_position + servo_turn_direction);
//Serial.print("ABSTAND_MESSEN. Servo position:");
distance_cm = usonic_measure_cm();
if (distance_cm < min_distance_cm) {
min_distance_cm = distance_cm;
} while ((_servo_position > H_SERVO_CENTER_LEFT) || (_servo_position < H_SERVO_CENTER_RIGHT));
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
Serial.print("ABSTAND_MESSEN. Der Abstand in cm ist (mindestens):");
//_min_distance_cm = min_distance_cm;
2018-12-01 23:51:18 +01:00
//** Helper methods