dorian f8d113f3bf - added new measvalue submit api
- started to implement login
2019-07-29 00:24:01 +02:00

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Executable file


A (hopefully soon) fully featured selft-hosted web interface and server-backend to store weather data (comparable to

State of development

  • interface and backend planned
  • readonly dashboard is working


  1. Install the required packages
sudo apt install git apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-cli php-common -y
  1. Prepare the working directory and download SafeMail
cd /var/www/html/

git clone
  1. Create the database
sudo mysql -u root

CREATE DATABASE blueweather;
  1. now create the database user, if you change the username, password or database name, don't forget to change that data in the config.php file!
GRANT ALL ON blueweather.* TO 'blueweather'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'root';


5. Prepare database for usage (create Tables and Keys)

cd /var/www/html/blueweather/api

sudo mysql -u root blueweather < blueweather.sql

Your BlueWeather instance can now be reached under: <your_ip>/blueweather

# API docs

## get locations
triggered by setting no GET parameter at all
### Parameters
no parameters

### Tags
- id
- locationname
- latitude
- longitude
- countryname

## get location data
triggered by setting GET parameter 'locId' to a vaild location id
### Parameters
- locId:    id of the location to display
- range:    range of the data to display in unix time
    - from
    - to
- max vals: maximum measvals to be transmitted; if more are present in the timespan, the avarage will be calculated

### Tags
- id
- locationname
- latitude
- longitude
- countryname
- measvalues
    - measvalue
    - sensorid
    - timestamp
- sensors
    - id
    - added
    - userid
    - sensorname
    - property ('indoor' || 'sunny' || 'shadow')
    - valuetypeid
- valuetypes
    - id
    - valuetype ('temperature' || 'humidity' || 'pressure' || 'fine dust')
    - valueunit (html coding)
    - displayproperty
        - widget (properties for small widget)
            - type ('doughnut' || 'text')
            - properties (chartjs dataset properties if type is a chartjs type)
        - chart (properties for large chart)
            - type ('scatter')
            - properties (chartjs dataset properties)
- range (actual range of present measvalues)
    - from
    - to

## submit sensor data
triggered by setting POST parameter 'submitSensorData' to a JSON encoded string containing the request
### Request
- identity: identity of the api token (given by webinterface)
- signature: SHA1 Hash of the JSON encoded string of 'data' rsa encrypted with the API Key as private key
- data: JSON array[array[
    CAUTION!! This MUST be a string and NOT direct JSON!!
### Reply
- status: 
    - 200: was inserted 
    - 400: format of request was wrong 
    - 401: signture verify failed 
    - 404: key identity was not found 
    - 500: internal error 
    - 900: format of data JSON string was invalid
    - 901: signature was fine but one or more sensors have been ignored due to some error (see 'data') all other sensors were processes successfully
- data: Array[Array[sensorId, errorCode]] sensors which were ignored due to some error (401: user doesn't own sensor; 404: senso wasn't found) 
        only set if status is 901