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\section{Logging Class Reference}
{\tt \#include $<$Logging.h$>$}
\subsection*{Public Member Functions}
\hyperlink{class_logging_cc3d848a3d05076fd185cd95e9c648d5}{Logging} ()
void \hyperlink{class_logging_f6a890a6feac5bf93b04cb22db7bd530}{Init} (int level, long baud)
void \hyperlink{class_logging_1cf44ab531c72761fba811882336a2ad}{Error} (char $\ast$msg,...)
void \hyperlink{class_logging_8a99e1a55e2b24d864d89e9aa86b2f2e}{Info} (char $\ast$msg,...)
void \hyperlink{class_logging_e0fcd9e5350d7b9158c8ae9289fef193}{Debug} (char $\ast$msg,...)
void \hyperlink{class_logging_2ae6a981ea685c851b87cf4c1ec2fb8f}{Verbose} (char $\ast$msg,...)
\subsection*{Private Member Functions}
void \hyperlink{class_logging_714840794950ab31df5da5b95322e391}{print} (const char $\ast$format, va\_\-list args)
\subsection*{Private Attributes}
int \hyperlink{class_logging_117105f639285ba5922836121294c04a}{\_\-level}
long \hyperlink{class_logging_8a2fe833b6e957b763146c32d6be5f2d}{\_\-baud}
\subsection{Detailed Description}
\hyperlink{class_logging}{Logging} is a helper class to output informations over RS232. If you know log4j or log4net, this logging class is more or less similar ;-) \par
Different loglevels can be used to extend or reduce output All methods are able to handle any number of output parameters. All methods print out a formated string (like printf).\par
To reduce output and program size, reduce loglevel. \par
Output format string can contain below wildcards. Every wildcard must be start with percent sign (\%)
{\bf Depending on loglevel, source code is excluded from compile !}\par
{\bf Wildcards}\par
\item {\bf \%s} replace with an string (char$\ast$) \item {\bf \%c} replace with an character \item {\bf \%d} replace with an integer value \item {\bf \%l} replace with an long value \item {\bf \%x} replace and convert integer value into hex \item {\bf \%X} like x but combine with {\bf 0x}123AB \item {\bf \%b} replace and convert integer value into binary \item {\bf \%B} like x but combine with {\bf 0b}10100011 \item {\bf \%t} replace and convert boolean value into {\bf \char`\"{}t\char`\"{}} or {\bf \char`\"{}f\char`\"{}} \item {\bf \%T} like t but convert into {\bf \char`\"{}true\char`\"{}} or {\bf \char`\"{}false\char`\"{}} \end{itemize}
{\bf Loglevels}\par
0&LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-NOOUTPUT&no output \\\hline
1&LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-ERRORS&only errors \\\hline
2&LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-INFOS&errors and info \\\hline
3&LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-DEBUG&errors, info and debug \\\hline
4&LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-VERBOSE&all \\\hline
01 FEB 2012&initial release \\\hline
06 MAR 2012&implement a preinstanciate object (like in Wire, ...) \\\hline
&methode init get now loglevel and baud parameter \\\hline
Definition at line 71 of file Logging.h.
\subsection{Constructor \& Destructor Documentation}
\subsubsection[Logging]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}Logging::Logging ()\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}inline\mbox{]}}}}
default Constructor
Definition at line 79 of file Logging.h.
\subsection{Member Function Documentation}
\subsubsection[Init]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void Logging::Init (int {\em level}, \/ long {\em baud})}}
Initializing, must be called as first. \begin{Desc}
\item[{\em void}]\end{description}
\item[Returns:]void \end{Desc}
Definition at line 3 of file Logging.cpp.
References \_\-baud, \_\-level, LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-NOOUTPUT, and LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-VERBOSE.\hypertarget{class_logging_1cf44ab531c72761fba811882336a2ad}{
\subsubsection[Error]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void Logging::Error (char $\ast$ {\em msg}, \/ {\em ...})}}
Output an error message. Output message contains ERROR: followed by original msg Error messages are printed out, at every loglevel except 0 ;-) \begin{Desc}
\item[{\em msg}]format string to output \item[{\em ...}]any number of variables \end{description}
\item[Returns:]void \end{Desc}
Definition at line 9 of file Logging.cpp.
References \_\-level, LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-ERRORS, and print().
Here is the call graph for this function:\nopagebreak
\subsubsection[Info]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void Logging::Info (char $\ast$ {\em msg}, \/ {\em ...})}}
Output an info message. Output message contains Info messages are printed out at l loglevels $>$= LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-INFOS
\item[{\em msg}]format string to output \item[{\em ...}]any number of variables \end{description}
\item[Returns:]void \end{Desc}
Definition at line 19 of file Logging.cpp.
References \_\-level, LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-INFOS, and print().
Here is the call graph for this function:\nopagebreak
\subsubsection[Debug]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void Logging::Debug (char $\ast$ {\em msg}, \/ {\em ...})}}
Output an debug message. Output message contains Debug messages are printed out at l loglevels $>$= LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-DEBUG
\item[{\em msg}]format string to output \item[{\em ...}]any number of variables \end{description}
\item[Returns:]void \end{Desc}
Definition at line 27 of file Logging.cpp.
References \_\-level, LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-DEBUG, and print().
Here is the call graph for this function:\nopagebreak
\subsubsection[Verbose]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void Logging::Verbose (char $\ast$ {\em msg}, \/ {\em ...})}}
Output an verbose message. Output message contains Debug messages are printed out at l loglevels $>$= LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-VERBOSE
\item[{\em msg}]format string to output \item[{\em ...}]any number of variables \end{description}
\item[Returns:]void \end{Desc}
Definition at line 36 of file Logging.cpp.
References \_\-level, LOG\_\-LEVEL\_\-VERBOSE, and print().
Here is the call graph for this function:\nopagebreak
\subsubsection[print]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void Logging::print (const char $\ast$ {\em format}, \/ va\_\-list {\em args})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}private\mbox{]}}}}
Definition at line 46 of file Logging.cpp.
Referenced by Debug(), Error(), Info(), and Verbose().
\subsection{Member Data Documentation}
\subsubsection[\_\-level]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int {\bf Logging::\_\-level}\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}private\mbox{]}}}}
Definition at line 73 of file Logging.h.
Referenced by Debug(), Error(), Info(), Init(), and Verbose().\hypertarget{class_logging_8a2fe833b6e957b763146c32d6be5f2d}{
\subsubsection[\_\-baud]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}long {\bf Logging::\_\-baud}\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}private\mbox{]}}}}
Definition at line 74 of file Logging.h.
Referenced by Init().
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize}