578 lines
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578 lines
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#ifndef __INC_FASTSPI_LED2_H
#define __INC_FASTSPI_LED2_H
///@file FastLED.h
/// central include file for FastLED, defines the CFastLED class/object
#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
#define FASTLED_VERSION 3002000
# pragma message "FastLED version 3.002.000"
# else
# warning FastLED version 3.002.000 (Not really a warning, just telling you here.)
# endif
#ifdef SmartMatrix_h
#include <SmartMatrix.h>
#ifdef DmxSimple_h
#include <DmxSimple.h>
#ifdef DmxSerial_h
#include <DMXSerial.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "cpp_compat.h"
#include "fastled_config.h"
#include "led_sysdefs.h"
// Utility functions
#include "fastled_delay.h"
#include "bitswap.h"
#include "controller.h"
#include "fastpin.h"
#include "fastspi_types.h"
#include "dmx.h"
#include "platforms.h"
#include "fastled_progmem.h"
#include "lib8tion.h"
#include "pixeltypes.h"
#include "hsv2rgb.h"
#include "colorutils.h"
#include "pixelset.h"
#include "colorpalettes.h"
#include "noise.h"
#include "power_mgt.h"
#include "fastspi.h"
#include "chipsets.h"
/// definitions for the spi chipset constants
enum ESPIChipsets {
enum OWS2811 { OCTOWS2811,OCTOWS2811_400, OCTOWS2813};
enum SWS2812 { WS2812SERIAL };
#ifdef HAS_PIXIE
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class PIXIE : public PixieController<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN> class NEOPIXEL : public WS2812Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, GRB> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class TM1829 : public TM1829Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class TM1812 : public TM1809Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class TM1809 : public TM1809Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class TM1804 : public TM1809Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class TM1803 : public TM1803Controller400Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class UCS1903 : public UCS1903Controller400Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class UCS1903B : public UCS1903BController800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class UCS1904 : public UCS1904Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class UCS2903 : public UCS2903Controller<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class WS2812 : public WS2812Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class WS2852 : public WS2812Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class WS2812B : public WS2812Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class SK6812 : public SK6812Controller<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class SK6822 : public SK6822Controller<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class APA106 : public SK6822Controller<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class PL9823 : public PL9823Controller<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class WS2811 : public WS2811Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class WS2813 : public WS2813Controller<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class APA104 : public WS2811Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class WS2811_400 : public WS2811Controller400Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class GW6205 : public GW6205Controller800Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class GW6205_400 : public GW6205Controller400Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class LPD1886 : public LPD1886Controller1250Khz<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class LPD1886_8BIT : public LPD1886Controller1250Khz_8bit<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
#ifdef DmxSimple_h
template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class DMXSIMPLE : public DMXSimpleController<DATA_PIN, RGB_ORDER> {};
#ifdef DmxSerial_h
template<EOrder RGB_ORDER> class DMXSERIAL : public DMXSerialController<RGB_ORDER> {};
enum EBlockChipsets {
#if defined(LIB8_ATTINY)
typedef uint8_t (*power_func)(uint8_t scale, uint32_t data);
/// High level controller interface for FastLED. This class manages controllers, global settings and trackings
/// such as brightness, and refresh rates, and provides access functions for driving led data to controllers
/// via the show/showColor/clear methods.
/// @nosubgrouping
class CFastLED {
// int m_nControllers;
uint8_t m_Scale; ///< The current global brightness scale setting
uint16_t m_nFPS; ///< Tracking for current FPS value
uint32_t m_nMinMicros; ///< minimum µs between frames, used for capping frame rates.
uint32_t m_nPowerData; ///< max power use parameter
power_func m_pPowerFunc; ///< function for overriding brightness when using FastLED.show();
/// Add a CLEDController instance to the world. Exposed to the public to allow people to implement their own
/// CLEDController objects or instances. There are two ways to call this method (as well as the other addLeds)
/// variations. The first is with 3 arguments, in which case the arguments are the controller, a pointer to
/// led data, and the number of leds used by this controller. The second is with 4 arguments, in which case
/// the first two arguments are the same, the third argument is an offset into the CRGB data where this controller's
/// CRGB data begins, and the fourth argument is the number of leds for this controller object.
/// @param pLed - the led controller being added
/// @param data - base point to an array of CRGB data structures
/// @param nLedsOrOffset - number of leds (3 argument version) or offset into the data array
/// @param nLedsIfOffset - number of leds (4 argument version)
/// @returns a reference to the added controller
static CLEDController &addLeds(CLEDController *pLed, struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0);
/// @name Adding SPI based controllers
/// Add an SPI based CLEDController instance to the world.
/// There are two ways to call this method (as well as the other addLeds)
/// variations. The first is with 2 arguments, in which case the arguments are a pointer to
/// led data, and the number of leds used by this controller. The second is with 3 arguments, in which case
/// the first argument is the same, the second argument is an offset into the CRGB data where this controller's
/// CRGB data begins, and the third argument is the number of leds for this controller object.
/// This method also takes a 1 to 5 template parameters for identifying the specific chipset, data and clock pins,
/// RGB ordering, and SPI data rate
/// @param data - base point to an array of CRGB data structures
/// @param nLedsOrOffset - number of leds (3 argument version) or offset into the data array
/// @param nLedsIfOffset - number of leds (4 argument version)
/// @tparam CHIPSET - the chipset type
/// @tparam DATA_PIN - the optional data pin for the leds (if omitted, will default to the first hardware SPI MOSI pin)
/// @tparam CLOCK_PIN - the optional clock pin for the leds (if omitted, will default to the first hardware SPI clock pin)
/// @tparam RGB_ORDER - the rgb ordering for the leds (e.g. what order red, green, and blue data is written out in)
/// @tparam SPI_DATA_RATE - the data rate to drive the SPI clock at, defined using DATA_RATE_MHZ or DATA_RATE_KHZ macros
/// @returns a reference to the added controller
template<ESPIChipsets CHIPSET, uint8_t DATA_PIN, uint8_t CLOCK_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER, uint8_t SPI_DATA_RATE > CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
switch(CHIPSET) {
case LPD8806: { static LPD8806Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case WS2801: { static WS2801Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case WS2803: { static WS2803Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case SM16716: { static SM16716Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case P9813: { static P9813Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case APA102: { static APA102Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case SK9822: { static SK9822Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
template<ESPIChipsets CHIPSET, uint8_t DATA_PIN, uint8_t CLOCK_PIN > static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
switch(CHIPSET) {
case LPD8806: { static LPD8806Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case WS2801: { static WS2801Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case WS2803: { static WS2803Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case SM16716: { static SM16716Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case P9813: { static P9813Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case APA102: { static APA102Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case SK9822: { static SK9822Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
template<ESPIChipsets CHIPSET, uint8_t DATA_PIN, uint8_t CLOCK_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER > static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
switch(CHIPSET) {
case LPD8806: { static LPD8806Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case WS2801: { static WS2801Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case WS2803: { static WS2803Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case SM16716: { static SM16716Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case P9813: { static P9813Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case APA102: { static APA102Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case SK9822: { static SK9822Controller<DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB_ORDER> c; return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
#ifdef SPI_DATA
template<ESPIChipsets CHIPSET> static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds<CHIPSET, SPI_DATA, SPI_CLOCK, RGB>(data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
template<ESPIChipsets CHIPSET, EOrder RGB_ORDER> static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds<CHIPSET, SPI_DATA, SPI_CLOCK, RGB_ORDER>(data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
template<ESPIChipsets CHIPSET, EOrder RGB_ORDER, uint8_t SPI_DATA_RATE> static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds<CHIPSET, SPI_DATA, SPI_CLOCK, RGB_ORDER, SPI_DATA_RATE>(data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
/// @name Adding 3-wire led controllers
/// Add a clockless (aka 3wire, also DMX) based CLEDController instance to the world.
/// There are two ways to call this method (as well as the other addLeds)
/// variations. The first is with 2 arguments, in which case the arguments are a pointer to
/// led data, and the number of leds used by this controller. The second is with 3 arguments, in which case
/// the first argument is the same, the second argument is an offset into the CRGB data where this controller's
/// CRGB data begins, and the third argument is the number of leds for this controller object.
/// This method also takes a 2 to 3 template parameters for identifying the specific chipset, data pin, and rgb ordering
/// RGB ordering, and SPI data rate
/// @param data - base point to an array of CRGB data structures
/// @param nLedsOrOffset - number of leds (3 argument version) or offset into the data array
/// @param nLedsIfOffset - number of leds (4 argument version)
/// @tparam CHIPSET - the chipset type (required)
/// @tparam DATA_PIN - the optional data pin for the leds (required)
/// @tparam RGB_ORDER - the rgb ordering for the leds (e.g. what order red, green, and blue data is written out in)
/// @returns a reference to the added controller
template<template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class CHIPSET, uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
template<template<uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER> class CHIPSET, uint8_t DATA_PIN>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
template<template<uint8_t DATA_PIN> class CHIPSET, uint8_t DATA_PIN>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
template<EClocklessChipsets CHIPSET, uint8_t DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER=RGB>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0)
switch(CHIPSET) {
case DMX: { static DMXController<DATA_PIN> controller; return addLeds(&controller, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
/// @name Adding 3rd party library controllers
/// Add a 3rd party library based CLEDController instance to the world.
/// There are two ways to call this method (as well as the other addLeds)
/// variations. The first is with 2 arguments, in which case the arguments are a pointer to
/// led data, and the number of leds used by this controller. The second is with 3 arguments, in which case
/// the first argument is the same, the second argument is an offset into the CRGB data where this controller's
/// CRGB data begins, and the third argument is the number of leds for this controller object. This class includes the SmartMatrix
/// and OctoWS2811 based controllers
/// This method also takes a 1 to 2 template parameters for identifying the specific chipset and rgb ordering
/// RGB ordering, and SPI data rate
/// @param data - base point to an array of CRGB data structures
/// @param nLedsOrOffset - number of leds (3 argument version) or offset into the data array
/// @param nLedsIfOffset - number of leds (4 argument version)
/// @tparam CHIPSET - the chipset type (required)
/// @tparam RGB_ORDER - the rgb ordering for the leds (e.g. what order red, green, and blue data is written out in)
/// @returns a reference to the added controller
template<template<EOrder RGB_ORDER> class CHIPSET, EOrder RGB_ORDER>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
template<template<EOrder RGB_ORDER> class CHIPSET>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
static CHIPSET<RGB> c;
return addLeds(&c, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
#ifdef USE_OCTOWS2811
template<OWS2811 CHIPSET, EOrder RGB_ORDER>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0)
switch(CHIPSET) {
case OCTOWS2811: { static COctoWS2811Controller<RGB_ORDER,WS2811_800kHz> controller; return addLeds(&controller, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
case OCTOWS2811_400: { static COctoWS2811Controller<RGB_ORDER,WS2811_400kHz> controller; return addLeds(&controller, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
#ifdef WS2813_800kHz
case OCTOWS2813: { static COctoWS2811Controller<RGB_ORDER,WS2813_800kHz> controller; return addLeds(&controller, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
template<OWS2811 CHIPSET>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0)
return addLeds<CHIPSET,GRB>(data,nLedsOrOffset,nLedsIfOffset);
#ifdef USE_WS2812SERIAL
template<SWS2812 CHIPSET, int DATA_PIN, EOrder RGB_ORDER>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0)
static CWS2812SerialController<DATA_PIN,RGB_ORDER> controller;
return addLeds(&controller, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
#ifdef SmartMatrix_h
template<ESM CHIPSET>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0)
switch(CHIPSET) {
case SMART_MATRIX: { static CSmartMatrixController controller; return addLeds(&controller, data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset); }
/// @name adding parallel output controllers
/// Add a block based CLEDController instance to the world.
/// There are two ways to call this method (as well as the other addLeds)
/// variations. The first is with 2 arguments, in which case the arguments are a pointer to
/// led data, and the number of leds used by this controller. The second is with 3 arguments, in which case
/// the first argument is the same, the second argument is an offset into the CRGB data where this controller's
/// CRGB data begins, and the third argument is the number of leds for this controller object.
/// This method also takes a 2 to 3 template parameters for identifying the specific chipset and rgb ordering
/// RGB ordering, and SPI data rate
/// @param data - base point to an array of CRGB data structures
/// @param nLedsOrOffset - number of leds (3 argument version) or offset into the data array
/// @param nLedsIfOffset - number of leds (4 argument version)
/// @tparam CHIPSET - the chipset/port type (required)
/// @tparam NUM_LANES - how many parallel lanes of output to write
/// @tparam RGB_ORDER - the rgb ordering for the leds (e.g. what order red, green, and blue data is written out in)
/// @returns a reference to the added controller
template<EBlockChipsets CHIPSET, int NUM_LANES, EOrder RGB_ORDER>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
switch(CHIPSET) {
case WS2811_PORTA: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTA_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_400_PORTA: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTA_FIRST_PIN, NS(800), NS(800), NS(900), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2813_PORTA: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTA_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER, 0, false, 300>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case TM1803_PORTA: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTA_FIRST_PIN, NS(700), NS(1100), NS(700), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case UCS1903_PORTA: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTA_FIRST_PIN, NS(500), NS(1500), NS(500), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_PORTB: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTB_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_400_PORTB: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTB_FIRST_PIN, NS(800), NS(800), NS(900), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2813_PORTB: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTB_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER, 0, false, 300>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case TM1803_PORTB: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTB_FIRST_PIN, NS(700), NS(1100), NS(700), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case UCS1903_PORTB: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTB_FIRST_PIN, NS(500), NS(1500), NS(500), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_PORTC: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTC_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_400_PORTC: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTC_FIRST_PIN, NS(800), NS(800), NS(900), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2813_PORTC: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTC_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER, 0, false, 300>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case TM1803_PORTC: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTC_FIRST_PIN, NS(700), NS(1100), NS(700), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case UCS1903_PORTC: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTC_FIRST_PIN, NS(500), NS(1500), NS(500), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_PORTD: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTD_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_400_PORTD: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTD_FIRST_PIN, NS(800), NS(800), NS(900), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2813_PORTD: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTD_FIRST_PIN, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER, 0, false, 300>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case TM1803_PORTD: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTD_FIRST_PIN, NS(700), NS(1100), NS(700), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case UCS1903_PORTD: return addLeds(new InlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, PORTD_FIRST_PIN, NS(500), NS(1500), NS(500), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_PORTDC: return addLeds(new SixteenWayInlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES,NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2811_400_PORTDC: return addLeds(new SixteenWayInlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES,NS(800), NS(800), NS(900), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case WS2813_PORTDC: return addLeds(new SixteenWayInlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, NS(320), NS(320), NS(640), RGB_ORDER, 0, false, 300>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case TM1803_PORTDC: return addLeds(new SixteenWayInlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, NS(700), NS(1100), NS(700), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
case UCS1903_PORTDC: return addLeds(new SixteenWayInlineBlockClocklessController<NUM_LANES, NS(500), NS(1500), NS(500), RGB_ORDER>(), data, nLedsOrOffset, nLedsIfOffset);
template<EBlockChipsets CHIPSET, int NUM_LANES>
static CLEDController &addLeds(struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset = 0) {
return addLeds<CHIPSET,NUM_LANES,GRB>(data,nLedsOrOffset,nLedsIfOffset);
/// Set the global brightness scaling
/// @param scale a 0-255 value for how much to scale all leds before writing them out
void setBrightness(uint8_t scale) { m_Scale = scale; }
/// Get the current global brightness setting
/// @returns the current global brightness value
uint8_t getBrightness() { return m_Scale; }
/// Set the maximum power to be used, given in volts and milliamps.
/// @param volts - how many volts the leds are being driven at (usually 5)
/// @param milliamps - the maximum milliamps of power draw you want
inline void setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps(uint8_t volts, uint32_t milliamps) { setMaxPowerInMilliWatts(volts * milliamps); }
/// Set the maximum power to be used, given in milliwatts
/// @param milliwatts - the max power draw desired, in milliwatts
inline void setMaxPowerInMilliWatts(uint32_t milliwatts) { m_pPowerFunc = &calculate_max_brightness_for_power_mW; m_nPowerData = milliwatts; }
/// Update all our controllers with the current led colors, using the passed in brightness
/// @param scale temporarily override the scale
void show(uint8_t scale);
/// Update all our controllers with the current led colors
void show() { show(m_Scale); }
/// clear the leds, wiping the local array of data, optionally black out the leds as well
/// @param writeData whether or not to write out to the leds as well
void clear(bool writeData = false);
/// clear out the local data array
void clearData();
/// Set all leds on all controllers to the given color/scale
/// @param color what color to set the leds to
/// @param scale what brightness scale to show at
void showColor(const struct CRGB & color, uint8_t scale);
/// Set all leds on all controllers to the given color
/// @param color what color to set the leds to
void showColor(const struct CRGB & color) { showColor(color, m_Scale); }
/// Delay for the given number of milliseconds. Provided to allow the library to be used on platforms
/// that don't have a delay function (to allow code to be more portable). Note: this will call show
/// constantly to drive the dithering engine (and will call show at least once).
/// @param ms the number of milliseconds to pause for
void delay(unsigned long ms);
/// Set a global color temperature. Sets the color temperature for all added led strips, overriding whatever
/// previous color temperature those controllers may have had
/// @param temp A CRGB structure describing the color temperature
void setTemperature(const struct CRGB & temp);
/// Set a global color correction. Sets the color correction for all added led strips,
/// overriding whatever previous color correction those controllers may have had.
/// @param correction A CRGB structure describin the color correction.
void setCorrection(const struct CRGB & correction);
/// Set the dithering mode. Sets the dithering mode for all added led strips, overriding
/// whatever previous dithering option those controllers may have had.
/// @param ditherMode - what type of dithering to use, either BINARY_DITHER or DISABLE_DITHER
void setDither(uint8_t ditherMode = BINARY_DITHER);
/// Set the maximum refresh rate. This is global for all leds. Attempts to
/// call show faster than this rate will simply wait. Note that the refresh rate
/// defaults to the slowest refresh rate of all the leds added through addLeds. If
/// you wish to set/override this rate, be sure to call setMaxRefreshRate _after_
/// adding all of your leds.
/// @param refresh - maximum refresh rate in hz
/// @param constrain - constrain refresh rate to the slowest speed yet set
void setMaxRefreshRate(uint16_t refresh, bool constrain=false);
/// for debugging, will keep track of time between calls to countFPS, and every
/// nFrames calls, it will update an internal counter for the current FPS.
/// @todo make this a rolling counter
/// @param nFrames - how many frames to time for determining FPS
void countFPS(int nFrames=25);
/// Get the number of frames/second being written out
/// @returns the most recently computed FPS value
uint16_t getFPS() { return m_nFPS; }
/// Get how many controllers have been registered
/// @returns the number of controllers (strips) that have been added with addLeds
int count();
/// Get a reference to a registered controller
/// @returns a reference to the Nth controller
CLEDController & operator[](int x);
/// Get the number of leds in the first controller
/// @returns the number of LEDs in the first controller
int size() { return (*this)[0].size(); }
/// Get a pointer to led data for the first controller
/// @returns pointer to the CRGB buffer for the first controller
CRGB *leds() { return (*this)[0].leds(); }
#define FastSPI_LED FastLED
#define FastSPI_LED2 FastLED
#ifndef LEDS
#define LEDS FastLED
extern CFastLED FastLED;
// Warnings for undefined things
#warning "No pin/port mappings found, pin access will be slightly slower. See fastpin.h for info."