Dorian Zedler 00a9bd4ff1
- Add some titles
- Fix some links
- Change form handler
2021-10-16 09:51:15 +02:00

26 lines
1 KiB

title: 'Speed Climbing Stopwatch App'
layout: appitem
heroClasses: 'overlay-dark text-light hero-tiny'
image: images/apps/scstw.png
googleplay: ''
appstore: ''
opensource: ''
privacyPolicy: 'While you are using the Speed Climbing Stopwatch app, Itsblue Development does not collect any of your personal data.'
title: Speed Climbing Stopwatch App
name: Speed Climbing Stopwatch App
weight: 2
parent: Apps
The speed climbing stopwatch app is a simple and lightweight stopwatch app that plays the official IFSC start signal before beginning to stop the time.
It makes your training as easy as possible since you don't need a separate device to play the start sound anymore.
It can also be used to control the speed climbing stopwatch base station ([more information](/scstw))