2021-10-07 11:21:03 +02:00

3.2 KiB

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hero text-light overlay-dark-gradient 80 images/scstw/hero.jpeg true # The Speed Climbing Stopwatch ## Simple, Reliable, Portable... The Speed Climbing Stopwatch (aka ScStw) is a modern speed climbing timing system that just works.
modularLayout classes smallColumns features content
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icon header text
fas fa-tachometer-alt Super simple Simplicity and ease of use is one of the major features of the ScStw.
icon header text
fa fa-suitcase Super portable The ScStw litterally fits in your suitcase!
icon header text
fas fa-clock Easy to deploy The ScStw can be fully deployed within 15 minutes.
icon header text
fas fa-wifi Fully wireless Stop fighting with cables and start climbing!
icon header text
fa fa-money-bill-alt Affordable You don't need to spend an arm or a leg for percise timing.
icon header text
fas fa-medal High quality All ScStw devices are handmade in Germany!
# Why ScStw? ## **keep it simple** Professional time meassuring often is a hassle. The ScStw aims to change that.
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text right images/scstw/BaseStation.jpg ## The ScStw Base Station The ScStw Base Station is the brain of the whole system. It meassures the time and plays the start sounds (and even the commands "At your marks" and "ready").
modularLayout align image content
text left images/scstw/ToppadsBeingHit.png ## The ScStw Toppads The toppdas are an essential component of every stopwatch. The ScStw comes with mechanical and stirdy toppads that can even be used outdoors on a rainy day. Furthermore, the ScStw toppads are fully wireless and, once their initially configured, only need the flick of a switch to work flawlessly,
modularLayout imageAlign image content
text right images/scstw/Startpad.jpg ## The ScStw Startpads Verifying that none of the competitors started too early is something that is totally impossible to do manually. Because of that, the ScStw comes with startpads on which the climbers stand at the beginning of the race. They detect the exact moment the climbers lift their feet of the ground and are therefore able to recognize when a climber starts too early.
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title name weight
Speed Climbing Stopwatch Speed Climbing Stopwatch 2
    icon: 'fas fa-tachometer-alt'
    header: 'Super simple'
    text: 'Simplicity and ease of use is one of the major features of the ScStw.'
    icon: 'fa fa-suitcase'
    header: 'Super portable'
    text: 'The ScStw litterally fits in your suitcase!'
    icon: 'fas fa-clock'
    header: 'Easy to deploy'
    text: 'The ScStw can be fully deployed within 15 minutes.'
    icon: 'fas fa-wifi'
    header: 'Fully wireless'
    text: 'Stop fighting with cables and start climbing!'
    icon: 'fa fa-money-bill-alt'
    header: Affordable
    text: 'You don''t need to spend an arm or a leg for percise timing.'
    icon: 'fas fa-medal'
    header: 'High quality'
    text: 'All ScStw devices are handmade in Germany!'

content: |
  # Why ScStw?
  ## **keep it simple**

  Professional time meassuring often is a hassle. The ScStw aims to change that.

03-basestation: modularLayout: text imageAlign: right image: images/scstw/BaseStation.jpg content: | ## The ScStw Base Station

  The ScStw Base Station is the brain of the whole system. It meassures the time and plays the start sounds (and even the commands "At your marks" and "ready").

04-toppads: modularLayout: text align: "left" image: images/scstw/ToppadsBeingHit.png content: | ## The ScStw Toppads

  The toppdas are an essential component of every stopwatch. The ScStw comes with mechanical and stirdy toppads that can even be used outdoors on a rainy day.
  Furthermore, the ScStw toppads are fully wireless and, once their initially configured, only need the flick of a switch to work flawlessly,

05-startpads: modularLayout: text imageAlign: right image: images/scstw/Startpad.jpg content: | ## The ScStw Startpads

  Verifying that none of the competitors started too early is something that is totally impossible to do manually.
  Because of that, the ScStw comes with startpads on which the climbers stand at the beginning of the race. 
  They detect the exact moment the climbers lift their feet of the ground and are therefore able to recognize when a climber starts too early.

06-contact: modularLayout: text content: "@@PageContent@@"

menu: main: title: Speed Climbing Stopwatch name: Speed Climbing Stopwatch weight: 2

What next?

If you got interested and want to know more about the ScStw, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to tell you everything you need to know about it.

{{% contactForm %}}