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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the Qt Quick Controls module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: and
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
Item {
id: content
property Component menuItemDelegate
property Component scrollIndicatorStyle
property Component scrollerStyle
property var itemsModel
property int minWidth: 100
property real maxHeight: 800
readonly property bool mousePressed: hoverArea.pressed
signal triggered(var item)
function menuItemAt(index) {
list.currentIndex = index
return list.currentItem
width: Math.max(list.contentWidth, minWidth)
height: Math.min(list.contentHeight, fittedMaxHeight)
readonly property int currentIndex: __menu.__currentIndex
property Item currentItem: null
property int itemHeight: 23
Component.onCompleted: {
var children = list.contentItem.children
for (var i = 0; i < list.count; i++) {
var child = children[i]
if (child.visible && child.styleData.type === MenuItemType.Item) {
itemHeight = children[i].height
readonly property int fittingItems: Math.floor((maxHeight - downScroller.height) / itemHeight)
readonly property real fittedMaxHeight: itemHeight * fittingItems + downScroller.height
readonly property bool shouldUseScrollers: === emptyScrollerStyle && itemsModel.length > fittingItems
readonly property real upScrollerHeight: upScroller.visible ? upScroller.height : 0
readonly property real downScrollerHeight: downScroller.visible ? downScroller.height : 0
property var oldMousePos: undefined
property var openedSubmenu: null
function updateCurrentItem(mouse) {
var pos = mapToItem(list.contentItem, mouse.x, mouse.y)
var dx = 0
var dy = 0
var dist = 0
if (openedSubmenu && oldMousePos !== undefined) {
dx = mouse.x - oldMousePos.x
dy = mouse.y - oldMousePos.y
dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
oldMousePos = mouse
if (openedSubmenu && dist > 5) {
var menuRect = __menu.__popupGeometry
var submenuRect = openedSubmenu.__popupGeometry
var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx)
var ds = 0
if (submenuRect.x > menuRect.x) {
ds = menuRect.width - oldMousePos.x
} else {
angle = Math.PI - angle
ds = oldMousePos.x
var above = submenuRect.y - menuRect.y - oldMousePos.y
var below = submenuRect.height - above
var minAngle = Math.atan2(above, ds)
var maxAngle = Math.atan2(below, ds)
// This tests that the current mouse position is in
// the triangle defined by the previous mouse position
// and the submenu's top-left and bottom-left corners.
if (minAngle < angle && angle < maxAngle) {
if (!currentItem || !currentItem.contains(Qt.point(pos.x - currentItem.x, pos.y - currentItem.y))) {
if (currentItem && !hoverArea.pressed
&& currentItem.styleData.type === MenuItemType.Menu) {
openedSubmenu = null
currentItem = list.itemAt(pos.x, pos.y)
if (currentItem) {
__menu.__currentIndex = currentItem.__menuItemIndex
if (currentItem.styleData.type === MenuItemType.Menu) {
} else {
__menu.__currentIndex = -1
function showCurrentItemSubMenu(immediately) {
if (!currentItem.__menuItem.__popupVisible) {
openedSubmenu = currentItem.__menuItem
Timer {
id: sloppyTimer
interval: 1000
// Stop timer as soon as we hover one of the submenu items
property int currentIndex: openedSubmenu ? openedSubmenu.__currentIndex : -1
onCurrentIndexChanged: if (currentIndex !== -1) stop()
onTriggered: {
if (openedSubmenu && openedSubmenu.__currentIndex === -1)
Component {
id: emptyScrollerStyle
Style {
padding { left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0 }
property bool scrollToClickedPosition: false
property Component frame: Item { visible: false }
property Component corner: Item { visible: false }
property Component __scrollbar: Item { visible: false }
ScrollView {
id: scrollView
anchors {
fill: parent
topMargin: upScrollerHeight
bottomMargin: downScrollerHeight
style: scrollerStyle || emptyScrollerStyle
__wheelAreaScrollSpeed: itemHeight
ListView {
id: list
model: itemsModel
delegate: menuItemDelegate
snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true
highlightMoveDuration: 0
MouseArea {
id: hoverArea
anchors.left: scrollView.left
width: scrollView.width - scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.width
height: parent.height
hoverEnabled: Settings.hoverEnabled
acceptedButtons: Qt.AllButtons
onPositionChanged: updateCurrentItem({ "x": mouse.x, "y": mouse.y })
onPressed: updateCurrentItem({ "x": mouse.x, "y": mouse.y })
onReleased: {
if (currentItem && currentItem.__menuItem.enabled) {
if (currentItem.styleData.type === MenuItemType.Menu) {
} else {
onExited: {
if (currentItem && !currentItem.__menuItem.__popupVisible) {
currentItem = null
__menu.__currentIndex = -1
MenuContentScroller {
id: upScroller
direction: Qt.UpArrow
visible: shouldUseScrollers && !list.atYBeginning
function scrollABit() { list.contentY -= itemHeight }
MenuContentScroller {
id: downScroller
direction: Qt.DownArrow
visible: shouldUseScrollers && !list.atYEnd
function scrollABit() { list.contentY += itemHeight }
Timer {
interval: 1
running: true
repeat: false
onTriggered: list.positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, !scrollView.__style
? ListView.Center : ListView.Beginning)
Binding {
target: scrollView.__verticalScrollBar
property: "singleStep"
value: itemHeight