2020-03-24 09:55:05 +01:00

282 lines
10 KiB

#include "Arduino.h"
#include <algorithm> // std::swap
#include <ESP32Servo.h> // Servo drive support for ESP32
#include "esp32-hal-ledc.h" // Part of ESP32 board files - Analog output
#include "BluetoothSerial.h" // Bluetooth enablement - part of ESP or standart Arduino lib
#include <vector> // support for vectors
#include <string>
#error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it
#ifndef __CodeRacer_H__
#define __CodeRacer_H__
//----- Fun stuff ---------
#define FUN_MIN_PAUSE_MS 120000 // minimum and maximum pause between to rounds fun
#define FUN_MAX_PAUSE_MS 300000
#define LED_SWITCH_MS 50 // speed of knight rider lights
//----- Button ------------
#define H_BUTTON_PIN 17
#define BUTTON_BOUNCING_TIME_MS 200 // bouncing delay
//----- Servo -----
#define H_SERVO_PIN 16
#define H_SERVO_LEFT_POS 145 // left position of the servo
#define H_SERVO_CENTER_LEFT 100 // left-center position of the servo
#define H_SERVO_RIGHT_POS 35 // right position of the servo
#define H_SERVO_CENTER_RIGHT 80 // right-center position of the servo
#define H_SERVO_CENTER_POS 90 // center position of the servo
#define H_SERVO_SWEEP_LEFT_POS 140 // most left sweep position of the servo
#define H_SERVO_SWEEP_RIGHT_POS 40 // most right sweep position of the servo
#define SERVO_SWEEP_TO_LEFT_STEP 5 // sweep step to the left
#define SERVO_SWEEP_TO_RIGHT_STEP -5 // sweep step to the right
#define SERVO_SWEEP_MS 10 // duration of time betwee to sweep steps
#define SERVO_MAX_POSITION 170 // maximum servo position
#define SERVO_MIN_POSITION 10 // minimum servo position
#define SERVO_SET_1TICK_POSITION_DELAY_MS 3 // minimum duration of time between two servo steps
//----- Ultrasonic sensor -----
#define H_US_TRIG_PIN 12
#define H_US_ECHO_PIN 14
#define H_US_STOP_DISTANCE_CM 25 // if the measured distance is smaller the racer maybe stopped
#define US_MAX_ECHO_TIME_US 6000 // timeout for ultrasonic sensor measurements - this is about 100cm
//----- Drives -----
#define H_DRIVE_RIGHT_SPEED 255 // default speed of right side drive. 0 ...255
#define H_DRIVE_LEFT_SPEED 255 // default speed of left side drive. 0 ...255
#define H_RACER_TURN_LEFT_FOR_MS 400 // duration of time the racer will turn to left
#define H_RACER_TURN_RIGHT_FOR_MS 400 // duration of time the racer will turn to right
#define DRIVE_PWM_LEFT_CHANNEL 5 // PWM-channel for left side drive
#define DRIVE_PWM_RIGHT_CHANNEL 6 // PWM-channel for right side drive
//----- LEDs -----
#define H_LED_FRWD_PIN 26
#define H_LED_STOP_PIN 25
#define H_LED_LEFT_PIN 33
#define H_LED_RIGHT_PIN 27
using namespace std;
static volatile bool coderracer_activ = false;;
static volatile unsigned long button_last_pressed_at_ms = millis();
enum ledstate {
enum drivestate {
//--- this is as preparation of the class creation
class CodeRacer {
std::vector<String> _bt_ignoremsgs;
std::vector<String> _bt_onlymsgs;
bool _bluetoothcreated;
unsigned long _bt_stopOnLostConnection_timeout_ms;
unsigned long _bt_lastmessagereceived;
BluetoothSerial* _BTSerial;
uint8_t _button_pin;
uint8_t _servo_pin;
uint8_t _us_trigger_pin;
uint8_t _us_echo_pin;
uint8_t _drive_left_frwd_pin;
uint8_t _drive_left_back_pin;
uint8_t _drive_left_enable_pin;
uint8_t _drive_right_frwd_pin;
uint8_t _drive_right_back_pin;
uint8_t _drive_right_enable_pin;
uint8_t _led_frwd_pin;
uint8_t _led_stop_pin;
uint8_t _led_left_pin;
uint8_t _led_right_pin;
//servo variables
int8_t _servo_sweep_step;
uint8_t _servo_position;
unsigned long _servo_position_set_at_ms;
unsigned long _servo_position_eta_in_ms;
//drives variables
uint8_t _drive_left_speed;
uint8_t _drive_right_speed;
unsigned long _turn_left_for_ms;
unsigned long _turn_right_for_ms;
// ultrasonic variables
bool _coderacer_stopped_at_min_distance;
bool _coderacer_stop_at_distance_enabled;
unsigned long _usonic_stop_distance_cm;
unsigned long _usonic_stop_distance_us;
unsigned long _usonic_distance_us;
unsigned long _usonic_distance_cm;
//fun stuff variables
unsigned long _last_led_switched_at_ms;
uint8_t _led_count;
uint8_t _last_led_on;
unsigned long _servo_look_around_at_ms;
unsigned long _min_distance_cm;
bool _drive;
unsigned long _drive_set_at_ms;
bool _servo_sweep;
bool _coderracer_activ;
Servo* _servo;
Servo* _servo_dummy;
static void _set_button_state();
void _analog_write(uint8_t pin, uint8_t speed);
unsigned long _servo_set_position(uint8_t position);
bool coderacer_fun_enabled;
uint8_t servo_center_pos; /**< The position the servo is looking straight forward. Default is 90 . Allowed are values 10<=pos<=170 */
uint8_t servo_left_pos; /**< The position the servo is looking to the left. Default is 170 . Allowed are values 10<=pos<=170 */
uint8_t servo_right_pos; /**< The position the servo is looking to the right. Default is 0 . Allowed are values 10<=pos<=170 */
uint8_t servo_sweep_left_pos; /**< When the servo is sweeping this is the left most position */
uint8_t servo_sweep_right_pos; /**< When the servo is sweeping this is the right most position */
CodeRacer(uint8_t button_pin, uint8_t servo_pin,
uint8_t us_trigger_pin, uint8_t us_echo_pin,
uint8_t drive_left_frwd_pin, uint8_t drive_left_back_pin, uint8_t drive_left_enable_pin,
uint8_t drive_right_frwd_pin, uint8_t drive_right_back_pin, uint8_t drive_right_enable_pin,
uint8_t led_frwd_pin, uint8_t led_stop_pin, uint8_t led_left_pin, uint8_t led_right_pin);
void set_inactive();
void set_active();
void begin();
// getters
bool is_active();
bool is_driving();
bool stopped_at_min_distance();
unsigned long usonic_distance_cm();
unsigned long usonic_distance_us();
uint8_t servo_position();
unsigned long servo_position_set_at_ms();
unsigned long servo_position_eta_in_ms();
uint8_t drive_left_speed();
uint8_t drive_right_speed();
unsigned long turn_left_for_ms();
unsigned long turn_right_for_ms();
// higher level {code}racer services
void stop_driving();
void drive_forward();
void drive_forward(uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed);
void drive_backward();
void drive_backward(uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed);
void turn_left();
void turn_left(unsigned long turn_for_ms);
void turn_left(unsigned long turn_for_ms, uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed);
void turn_right();
void turn_right(unsigned long turn_for_ms);
void turn_right(unsigned long turn_for_ms, uint8_t left_speed, uint8_t right_speed);
void start_stop_at_min_distance();
void start_stop_at_min_distance(unsigned long min_distance_cm);
void stop_stop_at_min_distance();
// Bluetooth
void bt_enable_stopOnLostConnection();
void bt_enable_stopOnLostConnection(unsigned long timeout);
void bt_disable_stopOnLostConnection();
void bt_start(String name);
String bt_getString();
String bt_getString(uint8_t delimiterbyte);
bool bt_msgavailable();
void bt_addStringToIgnoreList(String stringtoignore);
void bt_clearIgnoreList();
void bt_removeStringFromIgnoreList(String stringtoignore);
// LEDs
void set_leds_left_stop_frwd_right(ledstate leftled, ledstate stopled, ledstate frwdled, ledstate rightled);
void set_leds_all(ledstate alleds);
void set_leds_all_off();
void set_leds_all_on();
// Drives
void drives_settings(uint8_t drive_left_speed, uint8_t drive_right_speed, unsigned long turn_left_ms, unsigned long turn_right_ms);
void set_drives_states_left_right(drivestate stateleft, drivestate stateright);
void set_drive_left_state(drivestate state);
void set_drive_right_state(drivestate state);
void set_drive_state(drivestate state, uint8_t frwdpin, uint8_t backpin);
void set_drives_speed_left_right(uint8_t speedleft, uint8_t speedright);
void set_drive_left_speed(uint8_t speed);
void set_drive_right_speed(uint8_t speed);
void set_drive_speed(uint8_t speed, uint8_t enablepin);
void set_drives_stop_left_right();
// Ultrasonic sensor
unsigned long usonic_measure_cm();
unsigned long usonic_measure_us();
unsigned long usonic_measure_cm(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us);
unsigned long usonic_measure_us(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us);
unsigned long usonic_measure_single_shot_cm();
unsigned long usonic_measure_single_shot_us();
unsigned long usonic_measure_single_shot_cm(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us);
unsigned long usonic_measure_single_shot_us(unsigned long max_echo_run_time_us);
void usonic_set_stop_distance_cm(unsigned long stop_distance_cm);
void usonic_set_stop_distance_us(unsigned long stop_distance_us);
// Servo drive
void servo_settings(uint8_t pos_center, uint8_t pos_left, uint8_t pos_right, uint8_t sweep_left_pos, uint8_t sweep_right_pos);
uint8_t servo_set_position_wait(uint8_t position);
unsigned long servo_set_position(uint8_t position);
void servo_set_to_right();
void servo_set_to_left();
void servo_set_to_center();
void servo_sweep();
// just for fun
void kitt();
void look_around();
// previous OBSOLETE german language definitions of the methods - still needed to support MakerLab Murnau {code}racer project
// - but use the english ones for new implementations
void servo_einstellungen(uint8_t winkel_mitte, uint8_t winkel_links, uint8_t winkel_rechts, uint8_t schwenk_links, uint8_t schwenk_rechts);
void motor_einstellungen(uint8_t motor_links_tempo, uint8_t motor_rechts_tempo, unsigned long drehung_links_ms, unsigned long drehung_rechts_ms);
void anhalten();
void vorwaerts();
void rueckwaerts();
void links();
void rechts();
void servo_rechts();
void servo_links();
void servo_mitte();
unsigned long abstand_messen();
void servo_schwenk();
bool start_stop();