This demonstrates a combination of the following libraries:
"ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA" to send pixel data to the physical panels in combination with its in-built "VirtualMatrix" class to create a virtual display of chained panels, so the graphical effects of the Aurora demonstrations can be shown over a 'bigger' grid of physical panels acting as one big display.
"GFX_Lite" to provide a simple graphics library for drawing on the virtual display.
Note: GFX_Lite is a fork of AdaFruitGFX and FastLED library combined together, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.
Use the serial input to advance through the patterns, or to toggle auto advance.
Sending 'n' will advance to the next pattern, 'p' will go to the previous pattern. Sending 'a' will toggle auto advance on and off.